Cross platform webcam usage
#Linux relies on fswebcam currently
#Tested on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install fswebcam
#Mac OSX relies on imagesnap
#Avaliable through brew
brew install imagesnap
Standalone exe included. See src/bindings/CommandCam
//Available in nodejs
var NodeWebcam = require( "node-webcam" );
//Default options
var opts = {
//Picture related
width: 1280,
height: 720,
quality: 100,
//Delay in seconds to take shot
//if the platform supports miliseconds
//use a float (0.1)
//Currently only on windows
delay: 0,
//Save shots in memory
saveShots: true,
// [jpeg, png] support varies
// Webcam.OutputTypes
output: "jpeg",
//Which camera to use
//Use Webcam.list() for results
//false for default device
device: false,
// [location, buffer, base64]
// Webcam.CallbackReturnTypes
callbackReturn: "location",
verbose: false
//Creates webcam instance
var Webcam = NodeWebcam.create( opts );
//Will automatically append location output type
Webcam.capture( "test_picture", function( err, data ) {} );
//Also available for quick use
NodeWebcam.capture( "test_picture", opts, function( err, data ) {
//Get list of cameras
Webcam.list( function( list ) {
//Use another device
var anotherCam = NodeWebcam.create( { device: list[ 0 ] } );
//Return type with base 64 image
var opts = {
callbackReturn: "base64"
NodeWebcam.capture( "test_picture", opts, function( err, data ) {
var image = "<img src='" + data + "'>";
#Config opts
--width Picture width
--height Picture height
--delay Delay till shot
--quality Quality of image 0-100
--output Output type [png, jpg, bmp]
--verbose Verbose debugging
--help Usage help text
--version node-webcam version
--location Location to output webcam capture
#Shorthand options
w: [ "--width" ],
h: [ "--height" ],
d: [ "--delay" ],
q: [ "--quality" ],
out: [ "--output" ],
h: [ "--help", true ],
v: [ "--version", true ],
l: [ "--location" ]
#node-webcam will auto output the file type at the end
node-webcam --w 500 --h 500 --d 2 --l picture # ./bin/node-webcam.js
# install yuidoc and run
Main require used. Also has helper functions just for you.
Main factory creation of a webcam for use. Uses NodeWebcam.Factory to create.
//Default options defined in API usage
var NodeWebcam = require( "node-webcam" );
var Webcam = NodeWebcam.create({});
Quick helper for taking pictures via one function. Will return Webcam instance via NodeWebcam.create.
NodeWebcam.capture( "my_picture", {}, function( err, data ) {
if ( !err ) console.log( "Image created!" );
Base webcam class in which all other cameras inherit from
//Default options and basic usage
var opts = {
width: 1280,
height: 720,
delay: 0,
quality: 100,
// [jpeg, png] support varies
// Webcam.OutputTypes
output: "jpeg",
device: false,
// [buffer, base64]
// Webcam.CallbackReturnTypes
callbackReturn: "location",
verbose: false
var cam = new Webcam( opts );
Reset data and memory of past shots
First param of callback will be a possible error or null. Second will return the location of the image or null. The following functions will follow similarly. This function will auto append the output type if not specified in file name.
Get base 64 of shot number or data already grabbed from FS.
Uses the fswebcam program. Available in linux (apt-get install fswebcam). Extra program addons provided in options.
var NodeWebcam = require( "node-webcam" );
var FSWebcam = NodeWebcam.FSWebcam; //require( "node-webcam/webcams/FSWebcam" );
var opts = {};
var cam = new FSWebcam( opts );
- Video capture functionality
- Battle testing
- What do you want to see? Leave an issue on the github page!