Chistos Profentzas, Magnus Almgren, and Olaf Landsiedel. In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2020.
TinyEVM is a novel system to generate and execute off-chain smart contracts based on sensor data. TinyEVM's goal is to enable IoT devices to perform micropayments and, at the same time, address the IoT constraints. We investigate the trade-offs to execute smart contracts in low-power IoT devices. We test our system with 7,000 publicly verified smart contracts, where TinyEVM achieves to deploy 93 % of them without any modification. Finally, we evaluate the execution of off-chain smart contracts in terms of run-time performance, energy, and memory requirements on IoT devices. Notably, we find that low-power devices can deploy a smart contract in 215 ms on average. IoT devices can complete an off-chain payment in 584 ms on average.
We implement the Etheruem Virtual Machine (EVM), in C for the Contiki-NG OS.
Under contiki-ng/Ethereum-vm-256.
Under contiki-ng/Ethereum-vm-256/Ethereum_App.c.
To compile, you need to install the GCC compiler toolchain and tell the Makefile where to find it.
For the compiler, we use gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major. Download the binaries of this version of the compiler suitable to your system, then extract the archive on your system. Consult GNU MCU Eclipse page for help.
You need to modify the following variable in the Makefile in accordance to your installation:
GCC_INSTALL_ROOT := ~/opt/gnu-mcu-eclipse/arm-none-eabi-gcc/7.2.1-1.1-20180401-0515
GCC_VERSION := 7.2.1
GCC_PREFIX := arm-none-eabi
We have the following configuration parameters to specify in compile time, with the make
TARGET=openmote-cc2538 # Default supported platform
MAKE_NET = MAKE_NET_IPV6 # Default uIP low-power IPv6 stack, with 6LoWPAN and RPL.
Compile command example:
make clean && make
To program the connected mote:
make -j4 TARGET=[DEVICE] PORT=/dev/[DEVICE PORT] Ethereum_App.upload