We are excited to announce that a new set of management libraries are now in Public Preview. Those packages share a number of new features such as Azure Identity support, HTTP pipeline, error-handling.,etc, and they also follow the new Azure SDK guidelines which create easy-to-use APIs that are idiomatic, compatible, and dependable.
You can find the details of those new libraries here
In this basic quickstart guide, we will walk you through how to authenticate to Azure using the preview libraries and start interacting with Azure resources. There are several possible approaches to authentication. This document illustrates the most common scenario
You will need the following values to authenticate to Azure
- Subscription ID
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Tenant ID
These values can be obtained from the portal, here's the instructions:
- Login into your Azure account
- Select Subscriptions in the left sidebar
- Select whichever subscription is needed
- Click on Overview
- Copy the Subscription ID
For information on how to get Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID, please refer to this document
After you obtained the values, you need to set the following values as your environment variables
To set the following environment variables on your development system:
Windows (Note: Administrator access is required)
- Open the Control Panel
- Click System Security, then System
- Click Advanced system settings on the left
- Inside the System Properties window, click the Environment Variables… button.
- Click on the property you would like to change, then click the Edit… button. If the property name is not listed, then click the New… button.
Linux-based OS :
Now that the environment is setup, all you need to do is to create an
authenticated client. Our default option is to use
DefaultAzureCredential and in this guide we have picked
Resources as our target service, but you can set it up similarly for
any other service that you are using. For example, in order to manage Compute or Network resources, you would create a ComputeManagementClient
or NetworkManagementClient
To authenticate to Azure and create a management client, simply do the following:
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.Models;
using System;
var subscriptionId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID");
var resourceClient = new ResourcesManagementClient(subscriptionId, new DefaultAzureCredential());
var resourceGroupsClient = resourceClient.ResourceGroups;
From this code snippet, we showed that in order to interact with Resources, we need to create a top-level client first (ResourcesManagementClient), then get the corresponding sub-resource client we are interested in, in this case we called .ResourceGroups to get a ResourceGroupsOperations
For more information and different authentication approaches using Azure Identity can be found in this document
Now that we are authenticated, we can use our management client to make API calls. Let's demonstrate management client's usage by showing concrete examples
We can use the Resource client (Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourcesManagementClient
) we have created to perform operations on Resource Group. In this example, we will show to manage Resource Groups.
Create a resource group
var location = "westus2";
var resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroupName";
var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(location);
resourceGroup = await resourceGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, resourceGroup);
Update a resource group
var newResourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(location);
var resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroupName";
var tags = new Dictionary<string,string>();
newResourceGroup.Tags = tags;
// Use existing resource group name and new resource group object
newResourceGroup = await resourceGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, newResourceGroup);
List all resource groups
AsyncPageable<ResourceGroup> response = resourceGroupsClient.ListAsync();
await foreach (ResourceGroup rg in response)
Delete a resource group
await resourceGroupsClient.StartDeleteAsync(groupName);
Let's show a concrete example of how you would create a virtual machine using .NET SDK
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Compute;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Compute.Models;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Network;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Network.Models;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.Models;
namespace AzureCreateVMSample
/// <summary>
/// Create a Virtual Machine
/// </summary>
public class CreateVMSample
public static async Task CreateVmAsync(
string subscriptionId,
string resourceGroupName,
string location,
string vmName)
var computeClient = new ComputeManagementClient(subscriptionId, new DefaultAzureCredential());
var networkClient = new NetworkManagementClient(subscriptionId, new DefaultAzureCredential());
var resourcesClient = new ResourcesManagementClient(subscriptionId, new DefaultAzureCredential());
var virtualNetworksClient = networkClient.VirtualNetworks;
var networkInterfaceClient = networkClient.NetworkInterfaces;
var publicIpAddressClient = networkClient.PublicIPAddressses;
var availabilitySetsClient = computeClient.AvailabilitySets;
var virtualMachinesClient = computeClient.VirtualMachines;
var resourceGroupClient = resourcesClient.ResourceGroups;
// Create Resource Group
var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(location);
resourceGroup = await resourceGroupClient.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, resourceGroup);
// Create AvailabilitySet
var availabilitySet = new AvailabilitySet(location)
PlatformUpdateDomainCount = 5,
PlatformFaultDomainCount = 2,
Sku = new Sku() { Name = "Aligned" } // TODO. Verify new codegen on AvailabilitySetSkuTypes.Aligned
availabilitySet = await availabilitySetsClient.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, vmName + "_aSet", availabilitySet);
// Create IP Address
var ipAddress = new PublicIPAddress()
PublicIPAddressVersion = IPVersion.IPv4,
PublicIPAllocationMethod = IPAllocationMethod.Dynamic,
Location = location,
ipAddress = await publicIpAddressClient.StartCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, vmName + "_ip", ipAddress)
// Create VNet
var vnet = new VirtualNetwork()
Location = location,
AddressSpace = new AddressSpace() { AddressPrefixes = new List<string>() { "" } },
Subnets = new List<Subnet>()
new Subnet()
Name = "mySubnet",
AddressPrefix = "",
vnet = await virtualNetworksClient
.StartCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, vmName + "_vent", vnet)
// Create Network interface
var nic = new NetworkInterface()
Location = location,
IpConfigurations = new List<NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration>()
new NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration()
Name = "Primary",
Primary = true,
Subnet = new Subnet() { Id = vnet.Subnets.First().Id },
PrivateIPAllocationMethod = IPAllocationMethod.Dynamic,
PublicIPAddress = new PublicIPAddress() { Id = ipAddress.Id }
nic = await networkInterfaceClient
.StartCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, vmName + "_nic", nic)
var vm = new VirtualMachine(location)
NetworkProfile = new Compute.Models.NetworkProfile { NetworkInterfaces = new[] { new NetworkInterfaceReference() { Id = nic.Id } } },
OsProfile = new OSProfile
ComputerName = "testVM",
AdminUsername = "username",
AdminPassword = "(YourPassword)",
LinuxConfiguration = new LinuxConfiguration { DisablePasswordAuthentication = false, ProvisionVMAgent = true }
StorageProfile = new StorageProfile()
ImageReference = new ImageReference()
Offer = "UbuntuServer",
Publisher = "Canonical",
Sku = "18.04-LTS",
Version = "latest"
DataDisks = new List<DataDisk>()
HardwareProfile = new HardwareProfile() { VmSize = VirtualMachineSizeTypes.StandardB1Ms },
vm.AvailabilitySet.Id = availabilitySet.Id;
var operaiontion = await virtualMachinesClient.StartCreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, vmName, vm);
var vm = (await operaiontion.WaitForCompletionAsync()).Value;
Driver program
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AzureCreateVMSample
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var subscriptionId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID");
var location = "westus2";
await CreateVMSample.CreateVmAsync(subscriptionId, "myResourceGroupName", location, "myVirtualMachine");
More code samples for using the management library for .NET can be found in the following locations
- File an issue via Github Issues and make sure you add the "Preview" label to the issue
- Check previous questions or ask new ones on StackOverflow using azure and .NET tags.
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