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Christof edited this page Aug 24, 2023 · 8 revisions


Adaptation programming

The most important information on how to create your own synthesizer adaptation or how to enhance existing ones can be found in the Adaptation programming guide.

If you are looking for a specific example of how to implement an adaptation, we are creating a table of all adaptations showing which features/functions/capabilities are implemented. Visit the Adaptation Implementation Matrix table to see which adaptation uses which feature.

This can also help to find a similar adaptation, because you normally never need to start from scratch but rather take am existing one that is close and modify it for your synth.

The Wiki

In these Wiki pages we collect more information on the individual devices - the KnobKraft Orm adaptation page automatically links back to the Wiki page with the name of the synth.

We want to use the Wiki as a repository for information, links, and other documents related to extending the functionality of the software and most importantly to support more devices.

Concrete questions and issues should go into the issue list, feel free to create an issue ticket with a question or a specific device request.

This Wiki serves as the knowledge database for further development of the KnobKraft Orm.

Main sections:

P.S. This page must be called Home.

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