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ArkOS Emulators and Ports information

christianhaitian edited this page Sep 29, 2024 · 352 revisions

Important Notes:

  • All retroarch emulator cores (ex. Those that start with lr in the front of the emulator names in the list below) have controller configurations setup automatically by Retroarch. You can hit (Designated retroarch hotkey)+X, then go to settings, controllers to review and change to your liking.
  • Rom folders are located in either /roms when accessing the device via network or from the EASYROMS folder in Mac, Linux or Windows if accessing the micro SD card in a micro SD card reader directly on a PC.
  • All bios files go into the bios folder located in the roms (EASYROMS) folder unless specifically stated otherwise in the emulators list below. For those devices that support a dual (2) sd card setup (ex. RG351V or RG353M), if you're using a dual (2) sd card setup, all bios files go into the bios folder located on the 2nd sd card.
  • For those devices that support a dual (2) sd card setup (ex. RG351V or RG353M), all references to roms2 means the second sd card where you put your game files on.
  • Any systems listed below that have a standalone emulator will most likely not have controls that can be reconfigured.
  • Any systems below with multiple emulator cores available will have a default emulator core bolded and in parentheses(). Click here for information on how to change emulators per system or game.
    • Required file extensions and rom versions are based on default emulator core requirements.
  • Since much of this is similar to retropie, more information about these emulators can be found at the retropie wiki located at under the Emulation section.
  • For libretro based cores, you can check the available libretro documentation that most are directly linked to below or at for more information about various libretro cores.
  • You can also check out Retro Game Corps at for helpful guides on getting some of these systems and ports up and running as well.


3DO (Best on the RK3566 devices such as the RG353M)

Emulator: lr-opera
Rom Folder: 3do
Extensions: .iso .ISO .bin .BIN .chd .CHD .cue .CUE
Bios: panafz1.bin or panafz10.bin or panafz10-norsa.bin or panafz10e-anvil.bin or panafz10e-anvil-norsa.bin or panafz1j.bin or panafz1j-norsa.bin or goldstar.bin or sanyotry.bin or 3do_arcade_saot.bin See this link for more details:

Adventure Vision

Emulator: lr-mess
Rom Folder: advision
Extensions: .zip .ZIP
Bios:, containing two files, b225__ins8048-11kdp_n.u5 (MD5: 5729638bd856c475678467a353bd921c) and b8223__cop411l-kcn_n.u8 (MD5: fc5e71445e4947a9d00eedbc66b13a8f). This must be in the roms/advision folder. NOT THE BIOS FOLDER!
Notes: Because this uses the mess emulator, there's a little more work involved in getting the games to run in which the rom must be named exactly as shown in the bios/mame/hash/advision.xml file. For example, Defender rom must be named You'll also need a copy of this advision.xml file in /roms2/bios/mame/hash/advision.xml (or /roms/bios... if using a single SD card).

American Laser Games

Emulator: hypseus-singe standalone
Rom Folder: alg
Extensions: .alg .ALG
Bios: None

  1. Make sure your American Laser Games (Singe 1) games are Hypseus-Singe based. If they are Daphne-Singe based, you'll have to place them in a roms/alg/alg folder. Thanks to varkanoid for reporting this finding.
  2. Copy your American Laser Games (Singe 1) game folder into the roms/alg folder
    • Make sure the game folder contains a framefile (usually gamename.txt file) and a .singe file
  3. Run the Scan for New games script to create a proper .alg dummy file for each of the game folders copied
  4. Restart emulationstation and launch your game form the menu.
    • Some games like Ninja Hayate will take a while to launch. Sometimes 10 minutes or more as it creates it's cache. Once it's initial launch is complete, future launches are much quicker.
    • Some Fan made singe games may run from this emulator as well.


Emulator: (Amiberry standalone) lr-puae lr-uae4arm
Rom Folder: amiga
Extensions: .adf .ADF .hdf .HDF .lha .LHA .zip .ZIP
Bios: kick33180.A500 and kick34005.A500 and kick40068.A1200 See this link for more details.

Amiga CD32

Emulator: (lr-puae) lr-uae4arm
Rom Folder: amigacd32
Extensions: .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .lha .LHA .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U
Bios: kick34005.A500 and kick40063.A600 and kick40068.A1200

Amstrad CPC

Emulator: (lr-crocods) lr-cap32
Rom Folder: amstradcpc
Extensions: .cpc .CPC .dsk .DSK .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None
Notes: crocods doesn't support loading from compressed .zip or .7z files as of 2/4/2022. .dsk files seem to be the easiest to load with crocods.

Amstrad GX4000

Emulator: lr-cap32
Rom Folder: gx4000
Extensions: .cpr .CPR .dsk .DSK .zip .ZIP
Bios: None

Apple II

Emulator: (linapple standalone) lr-applewin applewin standalone
Rom Folder: apple2
Extensions: .dsk .DSK .sh .SH .do .DO .po .PO .apple2 .APPLE2 .zip .ZIP
Bios: None

  • For the default linapple standalone emulator as well as the applewin standalone emulator, you can create own mappings for each game. Just create a controls subfolder within the roms/apple2 (roms2/apple2 for 2 sd card setups) folder and create a text file named exactly similar to game name but with a .gptk extension. See for an example of how to setup the structure of this file. Unused gamepad keys should be commented out with " like the start key is in the example .gptk file linked in the previous sentence.
  • To load games with 2 floppy disks, create a .apple2 text file within the roms/apple2 (roms2/apple2 for 2 sd card setups) folder and the disks similar to as follows as an example for a 2 disk game named PoP_1.dsk and PoP_2.dsk:

Create PoP.apple2 file in the apple2 folder then insert the following:


Then just launch the PoP.apple2 from the emulationstation system menu for Apple II.
HINT - You can change the extensions of your 2 disk games to something like .dsks and add that to your .apple2 text file. That way, they won't show up in the system menu and cause duplication. You could also just hide those games in the system menu as well via the menu when you press the select on the game and go to Edit Metadata.

Apple Macintosh

Emulator: lr-minivmac
Rom Folder: vmac
Extensions: .cmd .CMD .dsk .DSK .hvf .HVF .img .IMG .zip .ZIP
Bios: MacII.rom

Aquaplus P/ECE

Emulator: piemu
Rom Folder: piece
Extensions: .pex .PEX .pfi .PFI
Bios: Firmware 1.20 or Firmware 1.18 (Recommended) or Firmware 1.14a or Firmware 1.14 or Firmware 1.12a or Firmware 1.12

  • The Aquaplus P/ECE requires a bios file that is freely available from their website as linked in the Bios line above. It’s strongly recommended that you use version 1.18, as there are many games that do a version check and only recognize 1.1x versions.
  • Just place the downloaded firmware exe file in the bios folder of your roms card and ArkOS will extract the needed bios file from it when launching a game. You can also manually extract the all.bin file by downloading one of the firmware packages linked in the bios line above. These packages are released as a self-extracting lzh file, so you can either run the exe (if you’re on Windows), or you can use 7zip to open the file navigate to the folder called update, and extract the all.bin file. Add this file to the bios folder on your roms card.


Emulator: (lr-fbneo) lr-fbalpha2012 lr-fbalpha2016 lr-fbalpha2018 lr-mame (Current)
Required ROM Version: FBAlpha v0.2.97.44 (v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.42 and v0.2.97.43 may work as well). Mame required rom set version: MAME 0.266
Rom Folder: arcade
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .cue .CUE
Bios: (for PGM games only like Knights of Valour and DoDonPachi)
Audio Samples: Place in /roms/bios/fbneo/samples folder


Emulator: (lr-ardens) lr-arduous
Rom Folder: arduboy
Extensions: .hex .HEX
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-mess
Rom Folder: astrocde
Extensions: .7z .7Z .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP
Bios: (must be in the roms/astrocde folder. NOT THE BIOS FOLDER!)
Notes: Because this uses the mess emulator, there's a little more work involved in getting the games to run in which the rom must be named exactly as shown in the bios/mame/hash/astrocde.xml file. For example, The Incredible Wizard rom must be named wizard.bin. If it is zipped, it must be named


Emulator: (lr-flycast) lr-flycast_xtreme lr-reicast_xtreme retrorun retrorun32
Rom Folder: atomiswave
Extensions: .7z .7Z .ist .IST .zip .ZIP .bin .BIN
Bios: (need to be placed in a folder named dc within the bios folder)
Note: Thanks to bignella for testing and compiling a list of the performance of various Atomiswave games using the retrorun32/flycast32 rumble emulator/core combination. See here.

Atari 800

Emulator: lr-atari800
Rom Folder: atari800
Extensions: .atr .ATR .rom .ROM .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Note: .rom seems to have issues with the libretro atari800 as of 11/13/2021. .atr still work as well as .zip files containing .atr and .xex seem to work for the most part.

Atari 2600

Emulator: lr-stella2014 lr-stella
Rom Folder: atari2600
Extensions: .a26 .A26 .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Atari 5200

Emulator: lr-atari800 lr-a5200
Rom Folder: atari5200
Extensions: .a52 .A52 .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: 5200.rom and ATARIBAS.ROM

Atari 7800

Emulator: lr-prosystem
Rom Folder: atari7800
Extensions: .a78 .A78 .zip .ZIP
Bios: 7800 BIOS (U).rom

Atari Jaguar

Emulator: lr-virtualjaguar
Rom Folder: atarijaguar
Extensions: .j64 .J64 .jag .JAG .rom .ROM .abs .ABS .cof .COF .bin .BIN .prg .PRG
Bios: None

Atari Lynx

Emulator: (lr-handy) lr-mednafen_lynx Mednafen
Rom Folder: atarilynx
Extensions: .7z .7Z .lnx .LNX .zip .ZIP
Bios: lynxboot.img (optional)

Atari ST

Emulator: lr-hatari
Rom Folder: atarist
Extensions: .st .ST .msa .MSA .stx .STX .dim .DIM .ipf .IPF .zip .ZIP
Bios: tos.img

Atari XEGS

Emulator: lr-atari800
Rom Folder: atarixegs
Extensions: .bin .BIN .rom .ROM .xex .XEX .zip .ZIP

CDi (Available for the RK3566 devices such as the RG353M Only)

Emulator: lr-same_cdi
Rom Folder: cdimono1
Extensions: .iso .ISO .chd .CHD
Bios: and and cdimono2 to be placed in bios/same_cdi/bios folder. See this link for more details:


Emulator: (lr-coolcv) lr-bluemsx
Rom Folder: coleco
Extensions: .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: CoolCV has an integrated bios. For bluemsx only coleco.rom (Verified working MD5:2C66F5911E5B42B8EBE113403548EEE7)
Notes: The blueMSX core requires the 'Databases' and 'Machines' folders from a full installation of blueMSX.
You can download the 'Databases' and 'Machines' folders from an official full standalone blueMSX emulator installation.
Get near the bottom of the page.
Move/Copy the 'Databases' and 'Machines' Folders to the bios folder.

Commodore 16

Emulator: lr-vice_xplus4
Rom Folder: c16
Extensons: .d64 .D64 .d71 .D71 .d80 .D80 .d81 .D81 .d82 .D82 .g64 .G64 .g41 .G41 .x64 .X64 .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .prg .PRG .p00 .P00 .crt .CRT .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP .gz .GZ .d6z .D6Z .d7z .D7Z .d8z .D8Z .g6z .G6Z .g4z .G4Z .x6z .X6Z .cmd .CMD .m3u .M3U .vsf .VSF .nib .NIB .nbz .NBZ
Bios: None

Commodore 64/PET

Emulator: lr-vice_x64
Rom Folder: c64
Extensons: .d64 .D64 .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .t64 .T64 .crt .CRT .prg .PRG .nib .NIB .tap .TAP
Bios: None

Commodore 128

Emulator: lr-vice_x128
Rom Folder: c128
Extensons: .d64 .D64 .d71 .D71 .d80 .D80 .d81 .D81 .d82 .D82 .g64 .G64 .g41 .G41 .x64 .X64 .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .prg .PRG .p00 .P00 .crt .CRT .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP .gz .GZ .d6z .D6Z .d7z .D7Z .d8z .D8Z .g6z .G6Z .g4z .G4Z .x6z .X6Z .cmd .CMD .m3u .M3U .vsf .VSF .nib .NIB .nbz .NBZ
Bios: JiffyDOS_C128.bin JiffyDOS_C64.bin JiffyDOS_1541-II.bin JiffyDOS_1571_repl310654.bin JiffyDOS_1581.bin

Commodore Vic-20

Emulator: lr-vice_xvic
Rom Folder: vic20
Extensons: .20 .40 .60 .a0 .A0 .b0 .B0 .d64 .D64 .d71 .D71 .d80 .D80 .d81 .D81 .d82 .D82 .g64 .G64 .g41 .G41 .x64 .X64 .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .prg .PRG .p00 .P00 .crt .CRT .bin .BIN .gz .GZ .d6z .D6Z .d7z .D7Z .d8z .D8Z .g6z .G6Z .g4z .G4Z .x6z .X6Z .cmd .CMD .m3u .M3U .vsf .VSF .nib .NIB .nbz .NBZ .zip .ZIP
Bios: None


Emulator: (lr-fbneo) lr-fbalpha2012 lr-fbalpha2016 lr-fbalpha2018
Required ROM Version: FBAlpha v0.2.97.44 (v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.42 and v0.2.97.43 may work as well)
Rom Folder: cps1
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .cue .CUE
Bios: None


Emulator: (lr-fbneo) lr-fbalpha2012 lr-fbalpha2016 lr-fbalpha2018
Required ROM Version: FBAlpha v0.2.97.44 (v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.42 and v0.2.97.43 may work as well)
Rom Folder: cps2
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .cue .CUE
Bios: None


Emulator: (lr-fbneo) lr-fbalpha2012 lr-fbalpha2016 lr-fbalpha2018
Required ROM Version: FBAlpha v0.2.97.44 (v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.42 and v0.2.97.43 may work as well)
Rom Folder: cps3
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .cue .CUE
Bios: None


Emulator: hypseus standalone
Rom Folder: daphne
Extensions: .daphne .DAPHNE
Bios: None

  • Be aware that within the daphne folder is a roms folder. That is not an error. That folder is needed. Your laserdisc .zip files should contain a "rom name".daphne folder that must be copied to the root daphne folder. Make sure the "rom name".daphne folder contains a framefile ("rom name".txt) or it will not load. Your laserdisc .zip files must be loaded into the daphne/roms folder. If you're still having issues getting this to work, click here for a great guide and video from Retro Game Corps.
  • If your games come with a .command file that specifies -x and -y sizes, the games may skew incorrectly on the display of your unit (for instance, it may look overscan if -x is 1920 and -y is 1080). Removing the x and y from the command file or simply renaming the .command file to .command.OFF should resolve that issue. Thanks to EnsignRutherford for the find on this.


Emulator: (lzdoom standalone) (gzdoom standalone) lr-prboom
Rom Folder: doom
Extensions: .wad .WAD .sh .SH .doom .Doom
Bios: None
Notes: In order to use prboom, you'll need prboom.wad in the /roms/doom folder or /roms2/doom (for dual sd card setups) folder. You can simply download it from here and put it in that location.
For information on additional doom loading capabilities (such as mods and deh files), check here
You can load IWADs using .doom files. See here for more info.


Emulator: (lr-flycast) lr-flycast_xtreme lr-reicast_xtreme retrorun retrorun32
Rom Folder: dreamcast
Extensions: .7z .7Z .gdi .GDI .cdi .CDI .cue .CUE .chd .CHD .m3u .M3U
Bios: dc_boot.bin, dc_flash.bin (need to be placed in a folder named dc within the bios folder)

  • For best performance, .gdi files are usually best since they're uncompressed.
  • Thanks to bignella for testing and compiling a list of the performance of various Dreamcast games using the retrorun32/flycast32 rumble emulator/core combination. See here.
  • These cores are currently not working with .7z extension. No ETA on when this will be addressed at this time.
  • Saves are loaded from /roms/bios/dc/ as vmu_save_A1.bin files (A1, A2, B1, B2 etc) for retrorun and retrorun32.
  • In Retroarch, per-game saves can be enabled and loaded from /roms/dreamcast as .A1.bin files (A1, A2 etc).
  • The files can be interchanged by renaming and placing into the appropriate location.

Dreamcast VMU

Emulator: lr-vemulator
Rom Folder: vmu
Extensions: .vms .VMS .bin .BIN
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-easyrpg
Rom Folder: easyrpg
Extensions: .easyrpg .EASYRPG .zip .ZIP (.ldb .LDB prior to 7/28/2021 update)
Bios: None
Notes: Games must have a RPG_RT.ini and RPG_RT.ldb inside their respective folders. As of 7/28/2021, you must run the Scan_for_new_games script to create the necessary shortcuts to load EASYRPG games.

Enterprise 64/128

Emulator: lr-ep128emu
Rom Folder: enterprise
Extensions: .128 .bas .BAS .com .COM .dsk .DSK .dtf .DTF .img .IMG .tap .TAP .trn .TRN
Bios: Optional

Fairchild Channel F

Emulator: lr-freechaf
Rom Folder: channelf
Extensions: .bin .BIN .rom .ROM .chf .CHF .zip .ZIP
Bios: sl31253.bin and sl31254.bin and sl90025.bin

Famicom Disk System

Emulator: (lr-nestopia) lr-fceumm Mednafen
Rom Folder: fds
Extensions: .nes .NES .unif .UNIF .unf .UNF .fds .FDS .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: disksys.rom

Game Boy

Emulator: (lr-gambatte) lr-mgba lr-tgbdual lr-DoubleCherryGB Mednafen
Rom Folder: gb
Extensions: .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .dmg .DMG .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: gb_bios.bin (optional)

Game Boy Advance

Emulator: (lr-mgba) lr-vbam lr-vba_next lr-gpsp Mednafen
Rom Folder: gba
Extensions: .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .gba .GBA .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: gba_bios.bin (required for lr-gpsp optional for other cores), gb_bios.bin (optional), gbc_bios.bin (optional), sgb_bios.bin (optional)

Game and Watch

Emulator: lr-gw
Rom Folder: gameandwatch
Extensions: .mgw .MGW
Bios: None

Game Boy Color

Emulator: (lr-gambatte) lr-mgba lr-tgbdual lr-DoubleCherryGB Mednafen
Rom Folder: gbc
Extensions: .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .dmg .DMG .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: gbc_bios.bin (optional)

Game Gear

Emulator: lr-genesis_plus_gx Mednafen
Rom Folder: gamegear
Extensions: .bin .BIN .gg .GG .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: (optional)

Gamecube (Available on the RK3566 devices such as the RG353M Only!)

Emulator: Dolphin standalone
Rom Folder: gc
Extensions: .elf .ELF .gcz .GCZ .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .rvz .RVZ .wad .WAD .wbfs .WBFS .wia .WIA
Bios: None


Emulator: (lr-genesis_plus_gx) lr-genesis_plus_gx_wide lr-picodrive Mednafen
Rom Folder: megadrive or genesis
Extensions: .68k .68K .mdx .MDX .md .MD .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .gen .GEN .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: bios_MD.bin (optional)


Emulator: lr-freeintv
Rom Folder: intellivision
Extensions: .bin .BIN .int .INT .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: exec.bin, grom.bin


Emulator: love2d version 11.4
Rom Folder: love2d
Extensions: .love .LOVE
Bios: None
Notes: Upon initial launch of a love game, a corresponding .gptk file is created within the love/controls subfolder within the roms (or roms2) folder. This file contains keyboard keys that have been mapped to a corresponding controller button input of your device. You can edit this file to change the assigned keyboard key to a controller button input. You can also disable assigning a key to a controller button input by changing its value to \".

LowRes NX

Emulator: lr-lowresnx
Rom Folder: lowresnx
Extensions: .nx .NX
Bios: None

Mame 2003

Emulator: lr-mame2003-plus
Rom Folder: mame2003
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Required Rom Set version: MAME 0.78-MAME 0.188
Bios: None
Audio Samples: Place in /roms/bios/mame2003-plus/samples folder

Mame 2010

Emulator: lr-mame2010
Rom Folder: mame
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .chd .CHD
Required Rom Set version: MAME 0.139
Bios: None

Master System

Emulator: (lr-genesis_plus_gx) lr-picodrive Mednafen
Rom Folder: mastersystem
Extensions: .7z .bin .sms .zip
Bios: bios_E.sms (optional), bios_U.sms (optional), bios_J.sms (optional)

Movie (video) Player

Player: FFplay
Folder: movies (Prior to the 9/29/2023 update, this folder is named videos)
Extensions: .avi .AVI .mkv .MKV .mov .MOV .mp4 .MP4 .mpeg .MPEG

  • Up to 720p seems to perform fine with limited testing. Support will be limited for this feature. If a video or movie doesn't work on this, try a lower resolution or just use a more suitable device like a smartphone.
  • For rk3566 devices such as the RG353M, RG353V/VS, or RG503, you can use the Kodi Media Center which is available by pressing the Start button and selecting Kodi Media Center.

Megadrive MSU

Emulator: lr-genesis_plus_gx
Rom Folder: msumd
Extensions: .md .MD
Bios: bios_md.bin, bios_CD_U.bin, bios_CD_E.bin, bios_CD_J.bin
Notes: If your games run without the music, try updating the genesis_plus_gx core to the latest version from the repo by going to Retroarch>core downloader>genesis_plus_gx.

Mega Duck

Emulator: (lr-sameduck) lr-mess
Rom Folder: megaduck
Extensions: .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None
Notes: If you want to use the mess core, there's a little more work involved in getting the games to run in which the rom must be named exactly as shown as the software name in the bios/mame/hash/megaduck.xml file. For example, Arctic Zone rom must be named arczone.bin. If it is zipped, it must be named


Emulator: MVEM
Rom Folder: mv
Extensions: .bin .BIN
Bios: None
Notes: This portable gaming system by Milton Bradley had only a few games. For the best experience, the game files should include the .bmp and _snap.bmp for each bin. To use the predefined control scheme, the game files must be named appropriately as follows:

Alien Raiders.bin
Block Buster.bin
Bomber (homebrew).bin
Connect Four.bin
Cosmic Hunter.bin
Phaser Strike.bin
Sea Duel.bin
Space Invaders (homebrew).bin
Super Blockbuster.bin
Vegas Slots.bin

  • You can click on each of the game file names above to see what the predefined key maps are.
  • If the game file names do not match any as shown above, the game will start with the default control setup as shown for the Mindbuster game here
  • The left joystick serves as the analog knob control.
  • If you'd like to create your own mappings for these games, just create a controls subfolder within the roms/mv (roms2/mv for 2 sd card setups) folder and create a text file named according to the game name above but instead of the .bin extension, give it the extension of .gptk.
  • The MVEM emulator expects the keyboard keys as shown in yellow corner highlights here for each corresponding button.
  • See here on how the structure of the gptk text file should look.
  • Unused gamepad keys should be commented out with \" like the start key is in the example .gptk file linked in the previous sentence.


Emulator: (lr-bluemsx) lr-fMSX OpenMSX
Rom Folder: msx
Extensions: .cas .CAS .dsk .DSK .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .rom .ROM .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: See this link for more details. Notes: The blueMSX core requires the 'Databases' and 'Machines' folders from a full installation of blueMSX.
You can download the 'Databases' and 'Machines' folders from an official full standalone blueMSX emulator installation.
Get near the bottom of the page.
Move/Copy the 'Databases' and 'Machines' Folders to the bios folder.


Emulator: (lr-bluemsx) lr-fMSX OpenMSX
Rom Folder: msx2
Extensions: .cas .CAS .dsk .DSK .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .rom .ROM .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: See this link for more details.
Notes: Not all extensions are compatible with the OpenMSX emulator.
The blueMSX core requires the 'Databases' and 'Machines' folders from a full installation of blueMSX.
You can download the 'Databases' and 'Machines' folders from an official full standalone blueMSX emulator installation.
Get near the bottom of the page.
Move/Copy the 'Databases' and 'Machines' Folders to the bios folder.

For playing Snatcher and SD Snatcher utilizing the SCC+ sound chip using lr-bluemsx you need to edit the bios/Machines/MSX2+/config.ini and do the following:
After this line: 0 2 2 2 78 "Machines/Shared Roms/MSX2PMUS.rom" ""
Add the following: 2 0 2 16 56 "Machines/Shared Roms/MSX2PMUS.rom" ""
Thanks to Consty for this tip.


Emulator: (lr-flycast) lr-flycast_xtreme lr-reicast_xtreme retrorun retrorun32
Rom Folder: naomi
Extensions: .7z .7Z .ist .IST .zip .ZIP .bin .BIN .dat .DAT
Bios: (need to be placed in a folder named dc within the bios folder)

  • For retroarch emulation, the bios region will need to be set to Japan or the games won't load. This can be done while loading a game by going to the retroarch menu, Options, Region, Japan.
  • Thanks to bignella for testing and compiling a list of the performance of various Naomi games using the retrorun32/flycast32 rumble emulator/core combination. See here.

Neo Geo

Emulator: (lr-fbneo) lr-fbalpha2012 lr-geolith (best on rk3566 devices. Slow on rk3326 devices.)
Required ROM Version: FBAlpha v0.2.97.44 (v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.42 and v0.2.97.43 may work as well)
Rom Folder: neogeo
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .7z .7Z (.neo .NEO See notes for more info for this extension)
Bios: (and for geolith core)

  • Because neogeo roms can come in different formats (split or non-merged), it's recommended to keep the bios in the /roms/bios and the /roms/neogeo folder to ensure best compatibility.
  • if your using a rk3566 device such as a rg353m/v or rk2023, for a highly accurate and generally easier way to run Neo Geo, try the geolith core and use .neo files. Only the geolith core supports .neo files and the geolith core only supports loading .neo files. For more information on how to change the core per game or for a whole system, see here
  • Existing Neo Geo arcade sets can be converted to .neo using the NeoBuilder tool from stoneagegame available here. Be aware!! I have used the tool and it works but I do so in a controlled environment to minimize on the possibility of any malware. Use caution when running any .exe file from an unknown site.

Neo Geo CD

Emulator: (lr-neocd) lr-fbneo
Rom Folder: neogeocd
Extensions: .cue .CUE .chd .CHD .m3u .M3U
Bios: (000-lo.lo or ng-lo.rom) and (neocd_f.rom or neocd.bin or uni-bioscd.rom) placed in a folder named neocd within the bios folder
Note: More information available here

  • If you choose to use the libretro fbneo core, be aware that you have to use either a Neo Geo CD romset that has .cue/.ccd/.img/.sub files or a single .bin and single .cue file.
  • Doesn't seem chd files or m3u files will work with the libretro fbneo core.
  • Also, the bios folder must contain proper and bios files.

Neo Geo Pocket

Emulator: (lr-mednafen-ngp (aka lr-beetle-ngp)) Mednafen
Rom Folder: ngp
Extensions: .ngp .NGP .ngc .NGC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Neo Geo Pocket Color

Emulator: (lr-mednafen-ngp (aka lr-beetle-ngp)) Mednafen
Rom Folder: ngpc
Extensions: .ngp .NGP .ngc .NGC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Nintendo 64

Emulator: (standalone(mupen64plus)) lr-parallel-n64 lr-mupen64plus_next lr-mupen64plus
Rom Folder: n64
Extensions: .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP .z64 .Z64 .n64 .N64 .v64 .V64
Bios: None
Note: standalone(mupen64plus) will most likely have the best performance but is the least user friendly emulator as the keys are not easily reconfigurable. See the FAQ section for your respective supported device in this wiki and scroll down to the mupen64plus standalone emulator section for the default key configuration for the standalone emulator.

  • It's been reported that a performance improvement can be achieved using the Mupenplus64_Next Retroarch core using the GlideN64 settings with the core options settings set to as the images shown in the links here and here. Thanks to Josep from the Anbernic Discord for sharing the findings.
  • As of the 09/27/2024 update of ArkOS, it is now possible to add an alternative control scheme for the standalone Mupen64plus emulator including on per game basis.
    • In the n64 games folder, a controls subfolder will be created after the initial run of a game. Within that controls folder should be a Sample.ini file. This file contains the currently assigned default controls for mupen64plus. To change that default control setup, just copy Sample.ini to Default.ini within the controls subfolder and make your control changes there. To do it on a per game basis, copy Sample.ini to yourgamename.ini within the controls subfolder and make your changes there. If your game's file name is called Paper Mario.z64, the custom control file name will need to be Paper Mario.ini for the custom control to be picked up.

Nintendo 64DD

Emulator: lr-parallel-n64
Rom Folder: n64dd
Extensions: .d64 .D64 .n64 .N64 .n64dd .N64DD .ndd .NDD .z64 .Z64
Bios: 64DD_IPL.bin

Nintendo DS

Emulator: drastic standalone
Rom Folder: nds
Extensions: .zip .ZIP .nds .NDS
Bios: nds_bios_arm7.bin (optional), nds_bios_arm9.bin (optional), nds_firmware.bin (optional)
Notes: Save files must have an extension of .dsv and they go in the nds/backup folder. They must be named similarly to the rom.

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)/Famicom

Emulator: (lr-nestopia) lr-fceumm Mednafen
Rom Folder: nes or famicom
Extensions: .nes .NES .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-o2em
Rom Folder: odyssey2
Extensions: .bin .BIN
Bios: o2rom.bin


Emulator: OpenBOR Standalone
Rom Folder: openbor
Extensions: .pak .PAK
Bios: none
Notes: RG351P/M/V Limitations--It is not possible to use the joystick within OpenBOR.
Only the gamepad, Start, A, B, X, Y, L1, and R1 buttons are assignable. DO NOT enable the gamepad within the options menu
or you may experience control issues!

Palm OS

Emulator: lr-mu
Rom Folder: palm
Extensions: .img .IMG .prc .PRC
Bios: palmos41-en-m515.rom (See here for more info on additional supported bios files)

  • It is currently not possible to load Palm OS 5.x based apps and games yet. Hopefully this will be resolved in future updates of the emulator core.
  • You can legally and freely download some Astraware Palm OS games and license them from Astraware's website here


Emulator: (lr-nekop2) lr-nekop2kai
Rom Folder: pc98
Extensions: .cmd .CMD .d88 .D88 .fdi .FDI .hdi .HDI .zip .ZIP
Bios: See this link for more details.
Notes: Bios files have to be placed in a subfolder named np2 within the bios folder.


Emulator: (lr-dosbox_pure) lr-dosbox
Rom Folder: dos
Extensions: .dosz .DOSZ .exe .EXE .com .COM .bat .BAT .conf .CONF .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .zip .ZIP
Bios: None
Note: If you're using the default dosbox_pure libretro core and your dos games are in .zip format, rename the extensions to .dosz then run the MSDOS - Hide Zip Games tool in the Options section. This will prevent the duplicate entries that occurs when dosbox_pure creates a file for each game launched.

PC Engine/TurboGraphx-16

Emulator: (lr-mednafen-pce-fast) lr-mednafen-pce lr-mednafen-supergrafx Mednafen
Rom Folder: pcengine or turbografx
Extensions: .pce .PCE .chd .CHD .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

PC Engine CD/TurboGraphx CD

Emulator: (lr-mednafen-pce-fast) lr-mednafen-pce lr-mednafen-supergrafx Mednafen
Rom Folder: pcenginecd or turbografxcd
Extensions: .pce .PCE .ccd .CCD .iso .ISO .img .IMG .chd .CHD .cue .CUE
Bios: syscard3.pce


Emulator: lr-mednafen-pcfx (aka lr-beetle-pcfx)
Rom Folder: pcfx
Extensions: .chd .CHD .zip .ZIP .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .toc .TOC
Bios: pcfx.rom


Emulator: pico8-dyn fake-08 Standalone lr-fake08
Rom Folder: pico-8/carts
Extensions: .png .PNG .p8 .P8
Bios: None

  • Fake-08 is not affiliated with Lexaloffle, and is not 100% compatible, nor does it have SPLORE functionality, so using the official Pico-8 player from Lexaloffel is still highly encouraged for purchase for best performance, compatibility and to support the Lexaloffle Pico-8 platform.

  • Add the contents of the latest version available of your purchased Pico-8 Raspberry Pi zip to /roms/pico-8 (or /roms2/pico-8 for 2 sd card setups) folder and add your .png and/or .p8 game files to /roms/pico-8/carts (or /roms2/pico-8/carts folder then start pico-8 from pico-8 emulationstation menu. If you're on ArkOS v2.0 (01/21/2022) or newer, remove the pico8_dyn file from the Raspberry Pi Pico-8 zip file you purchased so the 64bit version of Pico8 will be used. The 32bit (pico8_dyn) version causes no video to display with the newer Pico-8 Raspberry Pi zip files.
  • If you'd like to access splore to download and update games online while in Pico-8, you can hold the B button after pressing A to launch a cart from the emulationstation menu to enter splore or create a blank text file named zzzsplore.p8 in /roms/pico-8/carts (or /roms2/pico-8/carts) and launch zzzsplore from the pico-8 system menu in emulationstation.
  • By default, pico-8 games will load in a 1:1 aspect ratio. You can also load games in full screen and pixel perfect aspect ratios as well by changing the default emulator setting. See here for information on how to change the default emulator.
  • You can exit pico-8 at any time by pressing the select and start buttons (RG351, RG353M/V/VS, RG503 and RK2020 devices) or 1 and Start buttons (Chi) or Minus and Start buttons (RGB10).

Playstation 1 (PSX)

Emulator: (lr-pcsx-rearmed) lr-duckstation Duckstation Standalone (except for 351v) lr-swanstation
Rom Folder: psx
Extensions: .cue .CUE .img .IMG .mdf .MDF .pbp .PBP .toc .TOC .cbn .CBN .m3u .M3U .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .iso .ISO
Bios: psxonpsp660.bin, scph101.bin, scph7001.bin, scph5501.bin, scph1001.bin

  • Rewind and Fast Forward capability should be disabled while playing PSX. Performance may suffer greatly otherwise.
  • It's been reported best performance is achieved using the psxonpsp660.bin bios.
  • Certain games (ex. Looney Tunes Sheep Rider, Jedi Power Battles and 2xtreme/espn extreme games) need to have SMC Checks disabled or games will eventually slow down and crash in the pcsx-rearmed core. Retroarch Quick Menu > Options > (Speed Hack) Disable SMC check.
  • iS: Internal Section: Change PSX clock to 45 to get past the boot screen.
  • Parasite Eve Games: Change PSX Clock to 64 (100%) for one of the Parasite Eve games to get past certain sections.

Playstation Portable (PSP)

Emulator: (ppsspp standalone) ppsspp-go standalone lr-ppsspp
Rom Folder: psp
Extensions: .iso .ISO .chd .CHD .cso .CSO .pbp .PBP
Bios: None Note: For lr-ppsspp, to correct some ui issues, you'll need to install the contents of this assets 7z compressed file to /roms/bios/PPSSPP folder.

Playstation Portable (PSP) Minis

Emulator: (ppsspp standalone) lr-ppsspp
Rom Folder: pspminis
Extensions: .iso .ISO .chd .CHD .cso .CSO .pbp .PBP
Bios: None

Pokemon Mini

Emulator: lr-pokemini
Rom Folder: pokemonmini
Extensions: .min .MIN .zip .ZIP
Bios: bios.min (optional)


Emulator: lr-puzzlescript
Rom Folder: puzzlescript
Extensions: .pz .PZ .pzp .PZP
Bios: None
Notes: PuzzleScript games are usually online at the main PuzzleScript site
To play games in this emulator, you will need to download the source for the game and save it as a .pz file. The normal way to do this is to click the "hack" or "sourcecode" link on the game to go to the PuzzleScript editor, then copy/paste the entire contents of the program into a file with extension .pz.


Emulator: lr-snes9x
Rom Folder: satellaview
Extensions: .bs .BS .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: BS-X.bin


Emulator: (scummvm standalone) lr-scummvm
Rom Folder: scummvm
Extensions: .scummvm .SCUMMVM
Bios: None
Notes: You can use the Scan for new games feature in the system folder to create the .scummvm dummy files so the games can show up on the menu. You can also just click on menu in the system folder to go straight into ScummVM’s interface and load your games there.

Sega 32X

Emulator: lr-picodrive
Rom Folder: sega32x
Extensions: .32x .32X .7z .7Z .bin .BIN .md .MD .smd .SMD .zip .ZIP
Bios: None

Sega CD

Emulator: (lr-genesis_plus_gx) lr-picodrive
Rom Folder: segacd
Extensions: .bin .BIN .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .iso .ISO
Bios: bios_CD_U.bin, bios_CD_E.bin, bios_CD_J.bin

Sega Pico

Emulator: lr-picodrive
Rom Folder: pico
Extensions: .mdx .MDX .md .MD .smd .SMD .gen .GEN .bin .BIN .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .sms .SMS .gg .GG .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .68k .68K .chd .CHD .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Sega Saturn

Emulator: (lr-yabasanshiro) lr-yabause yabasanshiro standalone
Rom Folder: saturn
Extensions: .img .IMG .cue .CUE .chd .CHD .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U
Bios: saturn_bios.bin (Optional)

SG 1000

Emulator: lr-genesis_plus_gx
Rom Folder: sg-1000
Extensions: .7z .7Z .bin .BIN .sg .SG .zip .ZIP
Bios: None

Sharp X1

Emulator: lr-x1
Rom Folder: x1
Extensions: .dx1 .DX1 .zip .ZIP .2d .2D .2hd .2HD .tfd .TFD .d88 .D88 .88d .88D .hdm .HDM .xdf .XDF .dup .DUP .cmd .CMD
Bios: IPLROM.X1, IPLROM.X1T (need to be placed in a folder named xmil within the bios folder)

Sharp X68000

Emulator: lr-px68k
Rom Folder: x68000
Extensions: .dim .DIM .m3u .M3U
Bios: iplrom.dat, cgrom.dat, iplrom30.dat (optional), iplromco.dat (optional), iplromxv.dat (optional) (need to be placed in a folder named keropi within the bios folder)


Emulator: solarus-run
Rom Folder: solarus
Extensions: .solarus .SOLARUS .zip .ZIP
Bios: None
Notes: \

  • Solarus doesn't natively support the ability to exit the emulator from a controller. For use in Arkos, a daemon is included that watches for the select and start buttons (RG351, RG353V/VS, RG503 and RK2020 devices) or 1 and Start button (Chi) or Minus and Start button (RGB10) to be pressed simultaneously and kills the solarus-run process so return back to Emulationstation. If you lose the ability to control the game and to force quit, just do a safe shutdown of the system using the appropriate global hotkey for your system. If all else fails, you can hit the reset button but limit the use of that when possible or data corruption can occur.
  • To get Ocean's Heart running, you’ll need to remove references to shaders which requires OpenGL (which is not available on the rk3xxxx platform) and are not used widely in the'll need to edit scripts\menus\map_banner.lua and comment out (by adding —- at the start of a line) the line local swipe_fade = require"scripts/fx/swipe_fade" in the .solarus file provide. You'll also need to edit lone_windmill.lua, pirate_fort.lua and west_trail.lua in maps/fykonos/ and commenting out the line that includes sol.shader.create. This will stop the game from crashing. You can use 7zip to open and manipulate .solarus files.
    Thanks to Romadu for the research in finding this fix.

SuFami Turbo

Emulator: (lr-snes9x2010) lr-snes9x lr-snes9x2002 lr-snes9x2005
Rom Folder: sufami
Extensions: .smc .SMC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: STBIOS.bin
Notes: For multi-cart Sufami Turbo games, you must first run each game individually to create sram files for them. Then the multi-link will function correctly. See Libretro’s documentation for more info.

Super Cassette Vision

Emulator: emuscv
Rom Folder: scv
Extensions: .0 .bin .BIN .cart .CART .rom .ROM .zip .ZIP
Bios: upd7801g.s01 (MD5: 635a978fd40db9a18ee44eff449fc126)

  • For .zip and .ZIP Roms, the name of the rom must be the same as the ZIP file. For example: Lupin III (Japan).zip contains Lupin III (Japan).bin. This is valid as long as the bin is not corrupted.
  • All ROMs can be stored in a 1 file ROM (.CART, .BIN, .ROM or .0). Large ROMs can be stored in multiple files (.0, .1, .2, .3).
  • .cart and .CART files have some technical limitations. See here for more info.

Super Game Boy

Emulator: lr-mgba
Rom Folder: sgb
Extensions: .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .dmg .DMG .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: sgb_bios.bin

Super Grafx

Emulator: lr-mednafen-supergrafx (aka lr-beetle-supergrafx)
Rom Folder: supergrafx
Extensions: .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: syscard3.pce

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)/Super Famicom (SFC)

Emulator: (lr-snes9x) lr-snes9x2010 lr-snes9x2002 lr-snes9x2005 Mednafen
Rom Folder: snes or sfc
Extensions: .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Super Nintendo MSU1

Emulator: lr-snes9x
Rom Folder: snesmsu1
Extensions: .smc .SMC .sfc .SFC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Super Nintendo Entertainment System Hacks

Emulator: lr-snes9x2010
Rom Folder: snes-hacks
Extensions: .smc .SMC .fig .FIG .bs .BS .st .ST .sfc .SFC .gd3 .GD3 .gd7 .GD7 .dx2 .DX2 .bsx .BSX .swc .SWC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Tandy Color Computer 3 aka CoCo3 (Radioshack TRS-80)

Emulators: (standalone(XRoar)) lr-mess
Rom Folder: coco3
Extensions: .bin .BIN .cas .CAS .ccc .CCC .dsk .DSK .rom .ROM .wav .WAV .zip .ZIP

  • For the default XRoar standalone emulator: coco3.rom, disk11.rom and extbas11.rom should be in the bios folder. For PAL games, coco3p.rom should be in the bios folder.
  • For the libretro mess emulator: (must be in the roms/coco3 folder. NOT THE BIOS FOLDER!)(See here for more info on the content of the bios files.


  • For the default XRoar standalone emulator, it's best to use .ccc, .dsk and .rom files or zip files that contain .ccc, .dsk or .rom files in them with this emulator.
  • For the default XRoar standalone emulator, you can create own mappings for each game. Just create a controls subfolder within the roms/coco3 (roms2/coco3 for 2 sd card setups) folder and create a text file named exactly similar to game name but with a .gptk extension. See for an example of how to setup the structure of this file. Unused gamepad keys should be commented out with " like the start key is in the example .gptk file linked in the previous sentence. To enable keyboard mode for the emulator, insert #keyboard mode at the top of the file. To enable mouse mode, insert #mouse mode at the top of the file.
  • If using the mess emulator, there's some work involved in getting the games to run in which the rom must be named exactly as shown in the bios/mame/hash/coco_cart.xml file or coco_flop.xml file. For example, Canyon Climber rom must be named and must contain canyon climber (1982) (26-3089) (datasoft) [a1].rom in the zip file. If your file is canyon climber (1982) (26-3089) (datasoft) [a1].ccc, you can rename it to canyon climber (1982) (26-3089) (datasoft) [a1].rom
    • For games that need keyboard entry, see here for a workaround.


Emulator: lr-theodore
Rom Folder: thomson
Extensions: .fd .FD .k7 .K7 .m5 .M5 .m7 .M7 .rom .ROM .sap .SAP
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-tic80
Rom Folder: tic80
Extensions: .tic .TIC
Bios: None

Tiger LCD Games (Available only on the RK3566 devices such as the RG353M Only!)

Emulator: lr-mame
Rom Folder: tigerlcd
Extensions: .zip .ZIP
Bios: None
Notes: \

  • Artwork for Tiger LCD Games should be copied to the roms/bios/mame/artwork folder (or roms2/bios/mame/artwork if using 2 sd cards) and kept within a similarly named .zip file. For instance if your Double Dragons Tiger LCD roms is named, you should also have a folder within the roms/bios/mame/artwork folder that contains bg.jpg and default.lay files.
  • Thanks to EnsignRutherford for sourcing some artwork that can be used for many of these games. They are available here.
    Thanks and Credit to the creators of these artworks:
    Design, layout and artwork by Lee Robson (hydef)
    Background scan by Sean Riddle
    Unit artwork scan by Tom Tenners


Emulator: ti99sim
Rom Folder: ti99
Extensions: .ctg .CTG
Bios: ti-994a.ctg
Notes: (For OGA, RGB10, and RK2020) Default version of ti99 enables dpad only (ti99sim-sdl-dpad) due to possible analog noise issues. You can change this by selecting ti99sim-sdl as the emulator. See here to learn how to change the emulator from within ES.


Emulator: lr-uzem
Rom Folder: uzebox
Extensions: .uze .UZE
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-vecx
Rom Folder: vectrex
Extensions: .vec .VEC .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-o2em
Rom Folder: videopac
Extensions: .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP
Bios: o2rom.bin copied as g7400.bin

Videoton TV-Computer

Emulator: lr-ep128emu
Rom Folder: tvc
Extensions: .cas .CAS
Bios: Optional


Emulator: lr-vircon32
Rom Folder: vircon32
Extensions: .v32 .V32
Bios: Vircon32Bios.v32 (optional)

Virtual Boy

Emulator: lr-mednafen-vb (aka lr-beetle-vb) Mednafen
Rom Folder: virtualboy
Extensions: .vb .VB .vboy .VBOY .zip .zip .7z .7Z
Bios: None

Visual Novel games engine (ONScripter)

Emulator: lr-onscripter Rom Folder: onscripter
Extensions: .dat .DAT .txt .TXT
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-wasm4
Rom Folder: wasm4
Extensions: .wasm .WASM
Bios: None

Watara Supervision

Emulator: lr-potator
Rom Folder: supervision Extensions: .bin .BIN .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None


Emulator: (ecwolf standalone) lr-ecwolf
Rom Folder: wolf
Extensions: .wolf .WOLF .ecwolf .ECWOLF
Bios: None
Notes: \

  1. Copy your Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, or Super Noah's Ark 3D dos folder into the wolf rom folder. Make sure you add them as their own subfolder within the wolf roms folder. Run the Scan_for_new_games.wolf script from within Emulationstation to create the proper shortcuts for your games.
  2. If while using the Retroarch ecwolf core you find you can't start Wolfenstein, make sure there's only one .exe in the Wolfenstein dos subfolder. Files like catalog.exe should be deleted from this subfolder.
  3. You can create text .ecwolf files to load mods. For example, to load the 37 1/2 Encounter mod, you can create a 37.5.ecwolf file in your roms/wolf or roms2/wolf folder and it should contain the following:
    SUBDIR=Wolfenstein 3D
    If you using 2 sd cards for the RG351V or RG351MP, replace roms with roms2.


Emulator: lr-mednafen-wswan (aka lr-beetle-wswan)
Rom Folder: wonderswan
Extensions: .ws .WS .pc2 .PC2 .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None

WonderSwan Color

Emulator: lr-mednafen-wswan (aka lr-beetle-wswan) Mednafen
Rom Folder: wonderswancolor
Extensions: .wsc .WSC .pc2 .PC2 .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z
Bios: None


Emulator: lr-81
Rom Folder: zx81
Extensions: .p .P .tzx .TZX .zip .ZIP
Bios: None
Notes: I was only able to successfully load .p based roms. I suggest using .p roms and .zip files with .p roms in them based on my testing.
Many games can be started by hitting select to bring up the virtual keyboard, hit R then newline key. Otherwise, you'll need
to search online on how to load these games if you're not familiar with this system.

ZX Spectrum

Emulator: lr-fuse
Rom Folder: zxspectrum
Extensions: .sna .SNA .szx .SZX .z80 .Z80 .tap .TAP .tzx .TZX .gz .GZ .udi .UDI .mgt .MGT .img .IMG .trd .TRD .scl .SCL .dsk .DSK
Bios: None


See the PortMaster webpage for more info on available ports and how to install them.

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