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covid19uk: Bayesian stochastic spatial modelling for COVID-19 in the UK

This Python package implements a spatial stochastic SEIR model for COVID-19 in the UK, using Local Authority District level positive test data, population data, and mobility information. Details of the model implementation may be found in doc/lancs_space_model_concept.pdf.


The entire analysis chain, from case data through parameter inference and predictive simulation to results summarised as long-format XLSX and geopackage documents. The pipeline is run using the ruffus computational pipeline library.

The library relies heavily on TensorFlow and TensorFlow Probability machine learning libraries, and is optimised for GPU acceleration (tested on NVIDIA K40 and V100 cards). This package also imports an experimental library gemlib hosted at Lancaster University. This library is under active development as part of the Wellcome Trust GEM project.

The pipeline gathers data from [the official UK Government website for data and insights on Coronavirus] (, together with population and mobility data taken from the UK Office for National Statistics Open Geography Portal.


$ poetry install  # Python dependencies
$ poetry run python -m covid.pipeline --config example_config.yaml --results-dir <output_dir>

The global pipeline configuration file example_config.yaml contains sections for pipeline stages where required. See file for documentation.

Model specification

The covid.model_spec module contains the model specified as a tensorflow_probability.distributions.JointDistributionNamed instance Covid19UK. This module also contains a model version number, and constants such as the stoichiometry matrix characterising the state transition model, an accompanying next generation matrix function, a function to assemble data specific to the model, and a function to initialise censored event data explored by the MCMC inference algorithm.

Pipeline stages

Each pipeline stage loads input and saves output to disc. This is inherent to the ruffus pipeline architecture, and provides the possibility to run different stages of the pipeline manually, as well as introspection of data passed between each stage.

  1. Data assembly: covid.tasks.assemble_data downloads or loads data from various sources, clips to the desired date range require needed, and bundles into a pickled Python dictionary <output_dir>/pipeline_data.pkl.

  2. Inference: covid.tasks.mcmc runs the data augmentation MCMC algorithm described in the concept note, producing a (large!) HDF5 file containing draws from the joint posterior distribution posterior.hd5.

  3. Sample thinning: covid.tasks.thin_posterior further thins the posterior draws contained in the HDF5 file into a (much smaller) pickled Python dictionary <output_dir>/thin_samples.pkl

  4. Next generation matrix: covid.tasks.next_generation_matrix computes the posterior next generation matrix for the epidemic, from which measures of Local Authority District level and National-level reproduction number can be derived. This posterior is saved in <output_dir>/ngm.pkl.

  5. National Rt: covid.tasks.overall_rt evaluates the dominant eigenvalue of the next generation matrix samples using power iteration and Rayleigh Quotient method. The dominant eigenvalue of the inter-LAD next generation matrix gives the national reproduction number estimate.

  6. Prediction: covid.tasks.predict calculates the Bayesian predictive distribution of the epidemic given the observed data and joint posterior distribution. This is used in two ways:

    • in-sample predictions are made for the latest 7 and 14 day time intervals in the observed data time window. These are saved as <output_dir>/insample7.pkl and <output_dir>/insample14.pkl xarray data structures.
    • medium-term predictions are made by simulating forward 56 days from the last+1 day of the observed data time window. These is saved as <output_dir>/medium_term.pkl xarray data structure.
  7. Summary output:

    • LAD-level reproduction number: covid.tasks.summarize.rt takes the column sums of the next generation matrix as the LAD-level reproduction number. This is saved in <output_dir>/rt_summary.csv.
    • Incidence summary: covid.tasks.summarize.infec_incidence calculates mean and quantile information for the medium term prediction, <output_dir>/infec_incidence_summary.csv.
    • Prevalence summary: covid.tasks.summarize.prevalence calculated the predicted prevalence of COVID-19 infection (model E+I compartments) at LAD level, <output_dir>/prevalence_summary.csv.
    • Population attributable risk fraction for infection: covid.tasks.within_between calculates the population attributable fraction of within-LAD versus between-LAD infection risk, <output_dir>/within_between_summary.csv.
    • Case exceedance: covid.tasks.case_exceedance calculates the probability that observed cases in the last 7 and 14 days of the observed timeseries exceeding the predictive distribution. This highlights regions that are behaving atypically given the model, <output_dir>/exceedance_summary.csv.
  8. In-sample predictive plots: covid.tasks.insample_predictive_timeseries plots graphs of the in-sample predictive distribution for the last 7 and 14 days within the observed data time window, <output_dir>/insample_plots7 and <output_dir>/insample_plots14.

  9. Geopackage summary: covid.tasks.summary_geopackage assembles summary information into a geopackage GIS file, <output_dir>/prediction.pkg.

  10. Long format summary: covid.tasks.summary_longformat assembles reproduction number, observed data, in-sample, and medium-term predictive incidence and prevalence (per 100000 people) into a long-format XLSX file.

COVID-19 Lancaster University data statement

Data contained in the data directory is all publicly available from UK government agencies or previous studies. No personally identifiable information is stored.

ONS: Office for National Statistics

PHE: Public Health England

UTLA: Upper Tier Local Authority

LAD: Local Authority District


  • covid Python package
  • example_config.yaml example configuration file containing data paths and MCMC settings
  • data a directory containing example data (see below)
  • a PEP518-compliant file describing the poetry build system and dependencies.

Example data files

  • data/c2019modagepop.csv a file containing local authority population data in the UK, taken from ONS prediction for December 2019. Local authorities [City of Westminster, City of London] and [Cornwall, Isles of Scilly] have been aggregated to meet commute data processing requirements.
  • data/mergedflows.csv inter local authority mobility matrix taken from UK Census 2011 commuting data and aggregated up from Middle Super Output Area level (respecting aggregated LADs as above).
  • data/UK2019mod_pop.gpkg a geopackage containing UK Local Authority Districts (2019) polygons together with population and areal metrics.


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