from dpytools import Color
async def color_test(ctx):
# Use the color class to access the color you need by getting its value
fire_orange = Color.FIRE_ORANGE.value
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description="This is fire orange color",
# Or just use the class to set the embed color
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description="This is cyan",
Example using reactions
from dpytools import Emoji
async def reaction_listener(payload):
if payload.user_id ==
if in [Emoji.HEART, Emoji.FIRE, Emoji.GREEN_CHECK]:
ch = bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id)
await ch.send('I love those emojis!')
This listener will wait for an appropiate reaction and send a message to the channel where it happened.
from dpytools.commands import latency
from dpytools.commands import cogs
cog = bot.get_cog("MyCog") # Gets the cog instance
cog.__cog_commands__ += (cogs,) # Updates the __cog_commands__, this is to show up in HelpCommand
cogs.cog = cog # Set the cog attribute with your instance, this is to make the library pass self
bot.add_command(cog) # Adds the command to the bot
from dpytools.parsers import to_timedelta
# add the parser as a typehint to a command argument
async def test(ctx, time: to_timedelta):
await ctx.send(time)
to_timedelta takes a string in the format "[s|m|h|d]" and turns it into a timedelta object.
The user will call the command like this: !test 2h30m
Time parameter will then be timedelta(hours=2, minutes=30)
from dpytools.checks import admin_or_roles
@admin_or_roles('Mods', 1234567890, 'Staff')
async def test(ctx):
await ctx.send('it works')
The check will pass only if
has admin permissions in the guild OR has any listed roles.
from dpytools.menus import confirm
async def test(ctx):
msg = await ctx.send('Please confirm to this important message')
confirmation = await confirm(ctx, msg)
if confirmation:
await msg.edit(content='Confirmed')
elif confirmation is False:
await msg.edit(content='Cancelled')
await msg.edit(content='Timeout')