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157 lines (137 loc) · 6.91 KB

File metadata and controls

157 lines (137 loc) · 6.91 KB

Tools included in the library:

from dpytools import ...

  1. Color:
    • IntEnum class. Contains hex values for specific common colors, specially for embeds
  2. Emoji:
    • StrEnum class. Contains the string representation of discord default emojis that are commonly used specially in reactions.
  3. chunkify:
    • function that returns chunks of :n: size from a list
  4. chunkify_string_list:
    • Splits a list of strings into :max_number: sized chunks or sized at maximum joint length of :max_length:
  5. EmojiNumbers:
    • Enum class with number emoji

Checks (Command checks):

from dpytools.checks import ...

  1. admin_or_roles:
    • Returns True only if has admin privileges or the specified role.
  2. only_this_guild:
    • Command will only be executed if matches specified id.
  3. dm_from_this_guild:
    • Restrict the command to direct messages but only from members of target guild (id)
  4. any_of_permissions:
    • Checks if has any of the passed permissions.
  5. this_or_higher_role:
    • Checks if the top role of is equal or higher than specified role (id)
  6. between_times:
    • Checks if ctx.message.created_at.time() is in the specified interval
  7. between_datetime:
    • Checks if ctx.message.created_at is in the specified interval
  8. only_these_users:
    • Checks if's id is authorized to run command.
  9. in_these_channels:
    • Checks if is in the approved list
    • Credit to Kshitiz-Arya
  10. is_guild_owner:
  • As the name implies, it checks if is the owner of the guild.
  1. any_checks:
  • A simple decorator that makes any checks below it be processed with a logical OR

Commands (discord.ext.commands.command)

from dpytools.commands import ...

  1. latency:
  2. cogs:
    • Easy way to load, unload and reload cogs.
    • Has commands.is_owner check

menus (reaction menus)

from dpytools.menus import ...

  1. arrows:
    • Takes a list of discord.Embed objects and displays it with a navigation menu.
    • Features:
      • pause (remove reactions keep embed)
      • next, previous, first, last
      • close button.
  2. confirm:
    • Takes a discord.Message and adds reactions to confirm or cancel.
    • If reaction is 👍 returns True
    • If reaction is ❌ returns False
    • If timeout is reached returns None
  3. multichoice:
    • Takes a list of strings for the user to select one from using reactions
    • Simple example:
      async def test(ctx):
         options = [str(uuid4()) + '\n\n' for _ in range(110)]
         choice = await multichoice(ctx, options)
         await ctx.send(f'You selected: {choice}')

parsers (discord.ext.commands.command argument converters)

from dpytools import ...

  1. to_spongebob_case:
    • Takes a string argument and returns it with alternating caps
    • Input:'Have a nice day', Output: 'hAvE A NiCe dAy'
  2. to_upper:
    • Takes a string argument and returns it in caps
    • Input:'Have a nice day', Output: 'HAVE A NICE DAY'
  3. to_lower:
    • Takes a string argument and returns it in lower case
    • Input:'HAVE A NICE DAY', Output: 'have a nice day'
  4. to_timedelta:
    • Takes a string in the format <number>[s|m|h|d] and returns its equivalent timedelta object
    • Input: '2h30m', Output: timedelta(hours=2, minutes=30)
  5. Trimmer:
    • Callable class. Constructor takes a max_lenght (int) parameter. The instance takes a string arguments and trims it to max_lenght if the string was longer than that an end_sequence (default '...') is attached at the end removing that many additional characters.
      • trimmer = Trimmer(50)
      • Input: 'this is a very long and boring text that should be trimmed for whatever reason'
      • Output: 'this is a very long and boring text that should...'
  6. to_month:
    • Returns the passed month as integer.
    • input argument can be complete name of the month ('january'), short ('jan') or number ('01'/'1')
    • Case insensitive
  7. MemberUserProxy:
    • Tries to convert argument to a Member object, then to User and finally to a snowflake-like object assuming the argument was an int.
    • Useful for bans and database lookups.

from dpytools.waiters import ...

  1. wait_for_regex:
    • Waits for and returns a message that contains a match for the specified pattern
  2. wait_for_author:
    • Returns a single message from in, features a 'cancel' sequence

from dpytools.embeds import ...

  1. paginate_to_embeds:
    • Takes a long string and returns a list of embeds paginating the string.
    • Sets the footer to {page_number}/{total_pages}
  2. dict_to_fields:
    • Takes a dictionary where each pair of key/value sets acordingly the name and value of a field in the passed embed.
    • Credit to fuyu78
  3. Embed:
    • Modification of the base discord.Embed class that has some added functionality.
    • Additions to the main class:
      • The constructor accepts image and thumbnail.
      • Custom method add_fields that accepts kwargs and takes each key/value pair as the name and value parameter of each field.
      • example:
        embed = Embed(
            title="The title",  
            description="the description",
        embed.add_fields(inline=False, first='first field', second='second field')
  4. PaginatedEmbeds:
    • The class takes a base embed and a dictionary with any amount of fields and returns a list of embeds with the maximum amount of fields by field number AND maximum embed character limit.
    • Credit to Kshitiz-Arya

More to come...