-in the _Players_ and _Worlds_ folders respectively. (If you are using the cloud, you will need to get them from there first or they won't be shown. Do this by opening your vanilla client and moving them off the cloud first.) You can select, then copy and paste these folders into the ModLoader directory to migrate your players and worlds to tModLoader. The ModLoader directory is used my tModLoader to store all kinds of files, such as your installed mods. **Please note** that once you play tModLoader, it will create .tplr and .twld files as well as backup files (.bak) for your player and world files. To revert to a backup, simply remove the .plr or .wld file, then rename the .bak file to not include the .bak extension. (If your backup looks like this: playername.plr.bak, then it should be renamed to: playername.plr) If your explorer view is not showing file extensions, you can enable this by opening your 'View' menu and checking the 'File name extensions' checkbox. ([Example](https://i.imgur.com/CzP5yMA.png)) If you can not see this menu, you may need to unfold it by [clicking the down arrow](https://i.imgur.com/O8LqfGz.png) in the top right corner of your explorer view.
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