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🌿 chat-thyme

Every cooked up model deserves the proper seasoning. chat-thyme is a new way to interface with large language models (LLMs) and inject some flavor.

Exa search tool call demo


  • Tool calling1 - equip your models with search, powered by Exa
  • Familiar interface - chat with LLMs through Discord
  • Session persistence - pick up the conversation where you left off2
  • Flexible configuration - fiddle with sampling parameters to your heart's content
  • Pick up and go with Docker or Nix - .env and config.yaml is all you need3
  • (Almost) Universal compatibility4 - interface with any LLM serving framework with OpenAI compatibility: Ollama, OpenRouter, vLLM, SGLang, and more


chat-thyme operates on a BYOE (bring your own everything) paradigm. Before getting started, you may want do the following in preparation:

  • Setup a Discord bot application and have the token handy - note that the bot must have message content intent enabled and permissions to create and manage threads
  • Have a live local LLM server (e.g. Ollama) or identify a service provider (e.g. OpenRouter) with an API key and sufficient credits
  • An Exa API key and sufficient credits if you wish to allow the model to search with Exa



# .env

DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=discord_bot_token_here # required
API_KEY=model_server_api_key_here  # optional if model server is hosted locally
EXA_API_KEY=exa_api_key_here  # optional if tool use is not needed


# config.yaml

model: hermes3:8b-llama3.1-q6_K # model name is required
useTools: true
serverUrl: http://host.docker.internal:11434/v1/  # just an example, change as needed!
systemPrompt: >
  You are a helpful assistant with have access to an advanced search engine. Please provide the
  user with the information they are looking for by using the search tool provided.


Set up a Docker compose file specifying the necessary mounts:

# compose.yaml

    command: [ "-c", "/app/config.yaml" ]
      - ./.env # required
      - ./config.yaml:/app/config.yaml:ro # required
      - ./logs:/app/logs:rw # will be created if not present
      - ./.sqlite:/app/.sqlite:rw  # will be created if not present

    # if you're hosting the model service on the same machine:
      - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

Then spin up chat-thyme in a container:

docker compose up


Directly run the chat-thyme Nix flake through FlakeHub:

nix run -- -c config.yaml

Or from GitHub:

nix run github:chilir/chat-thyme/v0.1.0 -- -c config.yaml

From source

chat-thyme is built with Bun, make sure it is installed first. From there, the repository can be cloned and the entrypoint can be directly run with Bun.

# clone source code
git clone
git switch v0.1.0

# install environment and build
bun install --frozen-lockfile

# run entrypoint
bun run src/index.ts -c config.yaml

Bot Commands

Once the bot is live, use /start-chat to begin a conversation. The bot will create a private thread and a randomly generated chat identifier will be set as the thread title. The thread will be automatically archived after no activity for 1 hour.

start-chat slash command demo

To resume a chat at a later point in time, use /resume-chat <chat_identifier>

resume-chat slash command demo


Further documentation on configuration is a work-in-progress, please refer to the configuration schema and parameter descriptions in the slash commands at the time being.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are very welcome! The contributing guidelines are still under construction, but feel free to refer to them for some brief notes for now.


[1] Multi-turn tool calling is not supported across all models through the OpenAI chat completions API - Gemini is a known issue. Reasoning models also generally do not support tool use.

[2] A new thread will be created when the /resume-chat command is called.

[3] Post-Nix installation emotional support is not included, though the Determinate Nix installer actually makes it not too bad.

[4] In theory, but it's not validated against every possible provider. Some providers are more sensitive than others with regards to any additional options sent in the chat completion request payload. If any 400 Bad Request responses are encountered, try using strict True with /start-chat and /resume-chat to strictly filter out additional options not part of the chat completion API specifications.


  • Expand documentation!!
  • Slash command to end a chat
  • Slash command for a help menu
  • Image support