Ensure the following are installed:
- vim
- vim-plug
- tmux
- tmux plugin manager
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- the_silver_searcher
- cmake
The .vimrc
file now includes vim-gutentags so the following may no longer be necessary if using vim:
- ctags
brew install ctags
for OSXsudo apt-get install ctags
for linux- Add
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
to let your shell know which ctags to use
Optionally install the following:
To start using these dotfiles, copy the .vim
directory, .vimrc
file, and the tmux.conf
file over to your home directory ~
If using zsh
as your shell, uncomment the line in .tmux.conf
that sets the default shell to zsh
If using any shell other than the system shell, set that shell as the tmux default instead.
To set up directory colors for your shell, copy the .dir_colors
file to your home directory ~
Add the script snippet found in conf/dir_colors.rc to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
To preserve a ssh passphrase for your terminal session, add the snippet found in conf/ssh_passphrase.rc to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
To ensure that nvm loads on startup add the snippet found in conf/nvm.rc to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
Inside vim:
:source ~/.vimrc
Install the coc.vim extensions that will best benefit your workflow.
Shift-UP and Shift-DOWN do not pass to Tmux bindings in the OSX terminal. In order to make it work, go into Terminal > Preferences > Keyboard (tab) and add bindings for SHIFT-UP and SHIFT-DOWN to send text: SHIFT-UP and SHIFT-DOWN respectively. Use this page as a guide.