Recitation class notes for VG101 (Introduction to Computer and Programming) FA2018 J.G. Wu [UM-SJTU Joint Institute]
Please take those notes as "checklists" as their names suggest. We use them as an assistance for our recitation class, but much content is delivered by oral presentation. If you are reading these notes and encounter something you could not understand, go and ask your TAs! If your TAs also have no idea (it could happen…), submit it as issue, and specify which note and other necessary information.
Don't worry, you are not missing anything. The week number is labelled as the actual week number as we taught this course, so in the week that there is no recitation class (e.g. exam week), we may not have notes. In general, just go through the notes with increasing week number, and ignore the gap if there is one.
Of course! We would love to let these notes keep being helpful! Also, any corrections or suggestions to these notes are welcomed. After all, we also create these notes in our young and naive years, and knowing nothing more than Jon Snow. If you are also a TA, forking this repository is also welcomed.
Well... Fine... We just want to make a cool title for the Q & A section…
Fine… even this question is also made up by ourselves...
We intended to write everything formal in LaTeX, just like this one (btw, check this out! This note is so gorgeous!) but it's just too much work to do for LaTeX, and both of us (Chenhao & Luotian) still want to sleep... We eventually make everything later into Markdown. The notes for weeks before the week 5 are all in the .tex. For easy reading, we keep an pdf for this LaTeX slide so that you could view it online without downloading and compiling it yourself.