this is a demo project,show you how to hybrid Lua, C++, Objective-C. e.g. call C++ from OC, operate C++ class by Lua,which called by OC ...
- [cocos2dx-lua].
- [].
- [].
- to build a lua project for Xcode,we need lua runtime library: luajit so. add prebuilod luajit related files to the project. (it's lua-5.1.x ,which support by tolua++. if you use cocoapods like "pod lua". it will download & configure lua-5.2.x for you,it doesn't compatible with the latest tolua++ version 1.0.93 ). of course, you can add the source file and build them with your project.
- OK,you can call lua from OC now, but how to use C++ class in lua ? the answer is:tolua++. ( I upload a "tools/tolua" dir with the Xcode project. you can have a try,but don't forgort install tolua++ before "make" :)
- this project demo: run lua string directly