A leaflet map for the NO2 tube campaign @Sensor.Community
The data is a geojson with a FeatureCollection. {"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[]}
Each feature has such structure : {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[35.0517,48.46709]},"properties":{"tubeId":"DNK1","resultId":"2337","value":32.149,"link":"https://www.savednipro.org/","group":"SaveDnipro","city":"Dnipro","height":2.5,"trafic":1,"info":"Shopping mall "MOST-City", bus station, entrance to the "Central bridge"","ostation":0,"remark":""}}
The cordinates are in the order [lon,lat].
The map loads some geojson for the cities.
The EEA official station are loaded from the API described in data/config.json and parsed.
Further official stations in Budapest and Minsk are also loaded from geojson.
Russian official stations are loaded from a request on an API.
"npm start" to open the map in a virtual server.
"npm run build" to make the dist.
Don't forget to update the path of the json files in the main.js and copy those file from the json folder.