An asynchronous RPC client-server using a message bus
Pull the following projects GenericMessageBus RPCServer RPCClient
Pre-requisite: RabbitMQ server needs to be installed and running. The host/port of the RabbitMQ server needs to be configured in the file for both RPCServer and RPCClient:
- RPCServer/src/main/resources
- RPCClient/src/main/resources
Run “mvn install” in each of the project directories (GenericMessageBus needs to be built first)
Start the RPC Server Set the classpath to the dependent libraries and the target/classes directory java com.exercise.server.RPCServer
Run the RPC Client Set the classpath to the dependent libraries and the target/classes directory java com.exercise.client.RPCClient 2+(8-3)*6/2;.
The statement needs to be ended with a ";" followed by a "."