- Pro
Jupyter metapackage for installation, docs and chat
Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals
Python 开源项目之「自学编程之路」,保姆级教程:AI实验室、宝藏视频、数据结构、学习指南、机器学习实战、深度学习实战、网络爬虫、大厂面经、程序人生、资源分享。
A pure-python PDF library capable of splitting, merging, cropping, and transforming the pages of PDF files
Leveraging BERT and c-TF-IDF to create easily interpretable topics.
Official git repository for Biopython (originally converted from CVS)
中文文本分析工具包(包括- 文本分类 - 文本聚类 - 文本相似性 - 关键词抽取 - 关键短语抽取 - 情感分析 - 文本纠错 - 文本摘要 - 主题关键词-同义词、近义词-事件三元组抽取)
Downloads pdfs via a DOI number, article title or a bibtex file, using the database of libgen(sci-hub) , arxiv
A Jupyter/Jupyterlab extension to make, download and extract archive files.
🌈Python standard libraries cheatsheet for human
Single cell epigenomic clustering based on accessibility pattern
Synthetic data generation for the mtx2021 project
chaunceydust / alphafold
Forked from dialvarezs/alphafoldOpen source code for AlphaFold.