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📦 Free, open source, and reliable Helm Chart registry made in Rust


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🐻‍❄️📦 charted-server by Noelware, LLC.

Open, powerful, and reliable Helm chart registry made in Rust.

charted-server is a free and open platform that helps host, test, and build Helm charts all over the world to any side project to enterprise work. Noelware built this platform to build the cloud that we put our sweat and tears into.


Locally via Git

Required Tools / Prerequisites:

  • Rust
  • Git
  • 20GB of storage
  • 2GB of system RAM

To clone the repository, you can use the git pull command:

$ git pull

$ git pull

Once you cloned the repository, you can cd into it and run the charted CLI:

$ cargo cli

This will run the actual CLI, to run the server, you will need to use this instead:

$ cargo server



You can checkout the charted-dev/self-hosted repository for a production ready charted-server instance with Docker Compose.


Refer to the charted-dev/helm-charts repository for more information on how to deploy a charted-server instance on Kubernetes.


The nixpkgs-noelware repository contains a NixOS module to run a charted-server instance:

    services.charted = {
        enable = true;
        statePath = "/var/lib/noelware/charted/data";

        settings = {
            single_user = true;
            sessions.backend.static = {
                noel = "<argon2 hashed password>";


Thanks for considering contributing to charted-server! Before you boop your heart out on your keyboard ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ, we recommend you to do the following:

If you read both if you're a new time contributor, now you can do the following:

  • Fork me! **♡( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )
  • Clone your fork on your machine: git clone
  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b some-branch-name
  • BOOP THAT KEYBOARD!!!! ♡┉ˏ͛ (❛ 〰 ❛)ˊˎ┉♡
  • Commit your changes onto your branch: git commit -am "add features (。>‿‿<。 )"
  • Push it to the fork you created: git push -u origin some-branch-name
  • Submit a Pull Request and then cry! 。・゚゚・(థ Д థ。)・゚゚・。


charted-server by Noelware, LLC. is released under the Apache 2.0 License with love and care by the team. Please read the LICENSE file in the canonical repository for more information on what you can do with the source code for charted-server.