Get in touch in our Slack Channel - join #on_ruby
Source for the Sites of the Ruby Communities:
- Hamburg
- Cologne
- Saarland
- Berlin
- Leipzig
- Karlsruhe
- Dresden
- Railsgirls Hamburg
- Bonn
- Innsbruck
- Madrid
- Munich
You can install OnRuby using Docker or a local installation.
Install Docker and Docker Compose if you haven't already. Then:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
script/in_docker bundle exec rake db:setup
might be required fordocker-compose
if you run Docker locally on Linux.
This creates three Docker containers:
for the applicationbox
for storing rubygems installationsdb
for the PostgreSQL database
The script/in_docker
allows you to run commands inside the Docker
Example: Running a spec inside the Docker container
script/in_docker bundle exec rspec spec/requests/labels_spec.rb
Access via
# Install PostgreSQL on macOS
brew install postgresql
# or on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
# Check if it's running
psql postgres # exit with \q
# Create user and database
createuser -Ps postgres
rake db:setup
Use script/server
to run Rails locally, otherwise you need to export the
environment options yourself:
bundle --without=production
For working with the whitelabel functionality, you need to add all supported
subdomains to your /etc/hosts
Access via
You don't need any test data to set up a new project!
If you want to have some kind of seed, use this Rake task, to generate some test data:
rake data:create
If you are a Heroku project admin, you can dump Data from Heroku via Taps Gem:
heroku pg:pull HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAROON_URL onruby_development
These are the steps to get your Ruby Usergroup Site:
- Fork this repo
- Run
bundle && bundle exec rake fork:usergroup[MyUsergroup]
- Create a GitHub Pull Request
- Lean back and wait :)
If you have a custom domain, you need to set up the CNAME of your domain to point to Heroku.
On the admin site we need to:
heroku domains:add []
- create a new GitHub app for that domain and add keys via
heroku config:add
- merge the Pull Request
- deploy to Heroku
- add admin privileges to someone for the new RUG
The app comes with a Typus interface to manage the model data.
In order to access the admin stuff, you need to be a registered user with the "admin role".
Typus is mounted under /admin
of your label, so it's
for Hamburg.
- Users
- Events
- Materials
- Locations and Companies (Companies are just special Locations)
- Topics (Subjects for activities that users can request or propose)
- Jobs (These are displayed at top of the page)
- Highlights (Special information that you want to display for a short period of time)
"THE (extended) BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42.0815): phoet contributed to this project.
As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me some beers in return.