Be sure to read all of this document carefully, and follow the guidelines within.
Build a GraphQL API that can create/read/update/delete
user data from a persistence store.
"id": "xxx", // user ID (must be unique)
"name": "backend test", // user name
"dob": "", // date of birth
"address": "", // user address
"description": "", // user description
"createdAt": "" // user created date
"updatedAt": "" // user updated date
- The API should follow typical GraphQL API design pattern.
- The data should be saved in the DB.
- Proper error handling should be used.
- Paginating and filtering (by name) users list
- Use AWS AppSync (preferred) or AWS Lambda + API Gateway approach
- Use any AWS Database-as-a-Service persistence store. DynamoDB is preferred.
- Add a Query to fetch location information based off the user's address (use NASA or Mapbox APIs); use AWS Lambda
- Write concise and clear commit messages.
- Write clear documentation on how it has been designed and how to run the code.
- Use Infrastructure-as-code tooling that can be used to deploy all resources to an AWS account. Examples: CloudFormation / SAM, Terraform, Serverless Framework, etc.
- Provide proper unit tests.
- Providing an online demo is welcomed, but not required.
- Bundle npm modules into your Lambdas
These may be used for further challenges. You can freely skip these; feel free to try out if you feel up to it.
- Describe your strategy for Lambda error handling, retries, and DLQs
- Describe your cloud-native logging, monitoring, and alarming strategy across all queries/mutations
Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (choose one of popular framework) to implement the following mock-up. You are only required to complete the desktop views, unless otherwise instructed. Application should connect to created GraphQL API.
- The search functionality should perform real time filtering on client side data and API side data
- List of users should be updated automatically after single user is updated
- Infinite loading state should be saved in url query
- Appear/Disappear of modal should be animated (feel free with choose how)
- Map with user location should update async - when user changes "location" field
- JS oriented
- Use React, Angular or VUE.
- Use to show random avatar images
- You don't have to write configuration from scratch (you can use eg. CRA for React application)
- Feel free to use a preprocessor like SASS/SCSS/Less or CSS in JS
- Provide E2E and unit tests
- Feel free to choose MAPS service (GoogleMaps, OpenStreetMap etc)
- Write clear documentation on how the app was designed and how to run the code.
- Provide components in Storybook with tests.
- Write concise and clear commit messages.
- Provide an online demo of the application.
- Include subtle animations to focus attention
- Describe optimization opportunities when you conclude
- Handle server erros
- Handle loading states
Use any libraries that you would normally use if this were a real production App. Please note: we're interested in your code & the way you solve the problem, not how well you can use a particular library or feature.
We're interested in your method and how you approach the problem just as much as we're interested in the end result.
Here's what you should strive for:
- Good use of current HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js & performance best practices.
- Solid testing approach.
- Extensible code.
Where should I send back the result when I'm done?
Fork this repo and send us a pull request when you think you are done. There is no deadline for this task unless otherwise noted to you directly.
What if I have a question?
Create a new issue in this repo and we will respond and get back to you quickly.