I'm troubleshooting a problem with rtl_airband on Ubuntu 20.04 on a Raspberry Pi 3B. I compiled rtl_airband using these flags, because Ubuntu 20.04 doesn't include some of the bcm_host headers/libraries.
NFM=1 PLATFORM=armv7-generic
I have verified the icecast details in the config several times.
All I'm seeing in the output is:
Trying to reconnect to BROADCASTIFYSERVER:80/MOUNT...
Could not connect to BROADCASTIFYSERVER:80/MOUNT...
I turned debugging on, but I didn't see any connection related information at all in the debug_log. I can reach the Broadcastify server through curl, but I get a 404. Hitting an icecast server mountpoint with curl may normally return a 404, I'm not sure.
How can I see the icecast connection failure details?