A web scraper project which extracts various details of movies, episodes and tv shows from the official IMDB website.
- API Link : https://imdb--scraper.herokuapp.com/
- Use a client service like Post Man for testing the API
Basic Details
Reviews sample
POST https://imdb--scraper.herokuapp.com//search
kwd : search word
type: movie or tv_show or tv_episode
Body | Type | Description |
string |
Required |
POST https://imdb--scraper.herokuapp.com/reviews
num : number of review to get
Parameter | Type | Description |
kwd , type |
string |
Required |
Scraped the various details of a show
- authors , description, genres, popularity, rating, release date etc.
- date, name, ratingm title, helped_votes, total_votes, spoiler
After cloning/ downloading the code, create a virtual environment with python >3.6 as explained here.
cd /client
npm install
cd /client/src
npm run
cd /server
pip install -r requirements.txt
py app.py - to activate the server
1. Follow this mongodb atlas [tutorial](https://www.mongodb.com/basics/mongodb-atlas-tutorial) to create your own cluster.
2. Create a .env file and copy the code in env sample file. Then replce your cluster password in the place holder.
## Deployement on Heroku
Login or signup in order to create virtual app. You can either connect your github profile or download ctl to manually deploy this project.
- Our next step would be to follow the instruction given on Heroku Documentation to deploy a web app.
- Also, refer this to setup enviornment variables related to selenium and chrome driver extension on Heroku.