create a python3 virtual environment using command "virtualenv -p python3 "(on linux)
activate the environment using command "source /bin/activate"(on linux)
install requirements from requirements.txt using command "pip install -r requirements.txt".
go to the folder which has
run command "python runserver"
http://localhost:8000/game_reset- To reset all the parameters of the joined players and to get the information if the game should be started or not.
http://localhost:8000/game/- Check all players' starting status
http://localhost:8000/game/(get)- for getting details of a perticular player by using their id.
Players having same defencive array will play together.
http://localhost:8000/game/(put)- Add defencive array for defencive role player.
PUT request for updating attacking number of offencive player.
The losing player gets removed from the game.
http://localhost:8000/refree/- to show the score of each game
http://localhost:8000/round_reset - to start the new round
Repeat the game for winners of previous round.
http://localhost:8000/refree/- to get the final winner.