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CS301 Embedded System and Microcomputer Principle

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Embedded System and Microcomputer Principle (CS301)

It gives hands-on STM32 tutorial and embedded system principles, which is related to Computer Organization but less detailed in architecture and more focused on embedded system design, like bus, Interrupt, I2C, peripherals, etc.


  • Instructor: Yuhui Bai (白雨卉)
  • TA: Qing WANG (王晴)
  • Semester: 2024 Fall
  • Textbook: NO Textbook, only references


  • Assignment: 1 report + 3 STM32 programming
  • Lab: 13 lab slides and codes
  • Project: STM32-based robot car and MiniSTM32 board controller
  • Text: ARM Cortex-M3, STM32F103RCT6 programming manual and datasheet.
Lecture Topic Content
#1 Introduction to Embedded System CPU, MCU and SoC
#2 STM32 MCU & GPIO ARM Overview
Memory Layout (MMIO)
#3 C for Embedded System C Recap
#4 ARM Assembly Arithmetic (and Flags)
Load/Store Instructions
#5 Interrupt Subroutine & Calling Convention
Interrupt and NVIC, AIRCR IPRx register
#6 UART UART Protocal
#7 Timer Clock Tree
STM32 Timers
#8 Advanced Timer Output Compare PWM
Input Capture
#9 I2C & SPI Inter-Integrated Circuit
Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol
#10 SD Card & File System Storage Devices Overview & SD Card
#11 Bus Bus Architecture
#12 ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter (on STM32)
#13 DMA & Pipeline Direct Memory Access
ARMv7 Pipeline
#14 Arithmetic Barrel Shifter
Ripple Carry, Look Ahead, Carry Select
Booth's Algorithm


Each lab has practices to program the peripherals on STM32 based on the topic and you'll be assigned a MiniSTM32 board through out the semester. There're probably 3 programming assignments in C using STM32CubeMX IDE, and largely they are

  • 1st assignment is a simple tool with LCD screen display, LEDs and buttons (KEY0, KEY1, KEY_WKUP), those with GPIOs.
  • 2nd assignment deals with UART, Timer or IWDG, those with interrupts.
  • 3rd assignment plays with touch screen, and most likely it requires implementing a game.


The instructors introduced a robot car. Who knows how long the cars will serve. But the principles of project are

  • It must contains a MiniSTM board (used in labs and assignments).
  • It must includes as much topic as possible, and additional wireless communication (2.4G is based on SPI and bluetooth is based on UART)