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JavaScript Runtime (JSRT) Reference
Kyle Farnung edited this page May 10, 2018
28 revisions
References of JSRT typedefs, constants, enumerations and APIs.
JSRT Typedef References:
- FetchImportedModuleCallback
- FetchImportedModuleFromScriptCallback
- NotifyModuleReadyCallback
- JsBackgroundWorkItemCallback
- JsBeforeCollectCallback
- JsContextRef
- JsFinalizeCallback
- JsHostPromiseRejectionTrackerCallback
- JsMemoryAllocationCallback
- JsModuleRecord
- JsNativeFunction
- JsObjectBeforeCollectCallback
- JsPromiseContinuationCallback
- JsPropertyIdRef
- JsRef
- JsRuntimeHandle
- JsSerializedLoadScriptCallBack
- JsSerializedScriptLoadSourceCallback
- JsSerializedScriptUnloadCallback
- JsSourceContext
- JsThreadServiceCallback
- JsValueRef
- JsWeakRef
JSRT Const References:
JSRT Enum References:
- JsErrorCode
- JsMemoryEventType
- JsModuleHostInfoKind
- JsParseModuleSourceFlags
- JsParseScriptAttributes
- JsPromiseState
- JsPropertyIdType
- JsRuntimeAttributes
- JsTypedArrayType
- JsValueType
JSRT API References:
- JsAddRef
- JsBoolToBoolean
- JsBooleanToBool
- JsCallFunction
- JsCollectGarbage
- JsConstructObject
- JsConvertValueToBoolean
- JsConvertValueToNumber
- JsConvertValueToObject
- JsConvertValueToString
- JsCopyString
- JsCopyStringOneByte
- JsCopyStringUtf16
- JsCopyPropertyId
- JsCreateArray
- JsCreateArrayBuffer
- JsCreateContext
- JsCreateDataView
- JsCreateError
- JsCreateExternalArrayBuffer
- JsCreateExternalObject
- JsCreateFunction
- JsCreateNamedFunction
- JsCreateObject
- JsCreatePromise
- JsCreatePropertyId
- JsCreateRangeError
- JsCreateReferenceError
- JsCreateRuntime
- JsCreateString
- JsCreateStringUtf16
- JsCreateSymbol
- JsCreateSyntaxError
- JsCreateTypeError
- JsCreateTypedArray
- JsCreateURIError
- JsCreateWeakReference
- JsDefineProperty
- JsDeleteIndexedProperty
- JsDeleteProperty
- JsDisableRuntimeExecution
- JsDisposeRuntime
- JsDoubleToNumber
- JsEnableRuntimeExecution
- JsEquals
- JsGetAndClearException
- JsGetAndClearExceptionWithMetadata
- JsGetArrayBufferStorage
- JsGetContextData
- JsGetContextOfObject
- JsGetCurrentContext
- JsGetDataViewInfo
- JsGetDataViewStorage
- JsGetExtensionAllowed
- JsGetExternalData
- JsGetFalseValue
- JsGetGlobalObject
- JsGetIndexedPropertiesExternalData
- JsGetIndexedProperty
- JsGetModuleHostInfo
- JsGetModuleNamespace
- JsGetNullValue
- JsGetOwnPropertyDescriptor
- JsGetOwnPropertyNames
- JsGetOwnPropertySymbols
- JsGetPromiseResult
- JsGetPromiseState
- JsGetProperty
- JsGetPropertyIdFromName
- JsGetPropertyIdFromSymbol
- JsGetPropertyIdType
- JsGetPropertyNameFromId
- JsGetPrototype
- JsGetRuntime
- JsGetRuntimeMemoryLimit
- JsGetRuntimeMemoryUsage
- JsGetStringLength
- JsGetSymbolFromPropertyId
- JsGetTrueValue
- JsGetTypedArrayInfo
- JsGetTypedArrayStorage
- JsGetUndefinedValue
- JsGetValueType
- JsGetWeakReferenceValue
- JsHasException
- JsHasExternalData
- JsHasIndexedPropertiesExternalData
- JsHasIndexedProperty
- JsHasOwnProperty
- JsHasProperty
- JsIdle
- JsInitializeModuleRecord
- JsInstanceOf
- JsIntToNumber
- JsIsRuntimeExecutionDisabled
- JsLessThan
- JsLessThanOrEqual
- JsModuleEvaluation
- JsNumberToDouble
- JsNumberToInt
- JsParse
- JsParseModuleSource
- JsParseSerialized
- JsParseScript
- JsParseScriptWithAttributes
- JsParseSerializedScript
- JsParseSerializedScriptWithCallback
- JsPointerToString
- JsPreventExtension
- JsRelease
- JsRun
- JsRunSerialized
- JsRunScript
- JsRunSerializedScript
- JsRunSerializedScriptWithCallback
- JsSerialize
- JsSerializeScript
- JsSetContextData
- JsSetCurrentContext
- JsSetException
- JsSetExternalData
- JsSetHostPromiseRejectionTracker
- JsSetIndexedPropertiesToExternalData
- JsSetIndexedProperty
- JsSetModuleHostInfo
- JsSetObjectBeforeCollectCallback
- JsSetPromiseContinuationCallback
- JsSetProperty
- JsSetPrototype
- JsSetRuntimeBeforeCollectCallback
- JsSetRuntimeMemoryAllocationCallback
- JsSetRuntimeMemoryLimit
- JsStrictEquals
- JsStringToPointer
- Architecture Overview
- Building ChakraCore
- ChakraCore Code Structure
- Contributor Guidance
- Engineering Notes
- Embedding ChakraCore
- Testing ChakraCore
- Getting ChakraCore binaries
- Label Glossary
- Resources
- Roadmap / Release Notes
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