The faucet is a web application with the goal of distributing small amounts of Ether in private and test networks.
- Go (1.16 or later)
- Node.js
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Bundle web using rollup
cd web && npm install
npm run build
For more details, please refer to the web readme
- Build binary application
cd ..
go build -o eth-faucet main.go
First create config file config.yml
based on the example
Ethereum json rpc endpointpayout
Number of Ethers to transfer per requestqueuecap
Maximum transactions waiting to be sentwallet
Funder account specified via hex private key or keystore. Faucet will use private key first if it is not empty.
then start the faucet server
./eth-faucet -port 8080
or run faucet using docker without the compiled binary
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/config.yml:/app/config.yml chainflag/eth-faucet
This project is licensed under the MIT License