simple digital ocean droplet creator, destroyer, and lister
- intented for simplifying manangement of temporary throwaway boxes
- create and destroy droplets on the fly
- safe delete - add list of droplets you don't want to accidentally destroy
- list existing droplets
- list available droplet images
- includes optional automation script to kick off apt installations, etc at droplet creation
- update vars in script wish api key, etc
- create droplet: python3 -c (some options hardcoded - edit varialbes in script to modify)
- destroy droplet: python3 -d dropletID
- list droplets: python3 -l
- list available images: python3 -i
- show help: python3 -h
In Digital Ocean console:
- api_token - accounts > api > generate new token
- sh_keys - settings > security > SSH Keys
- tags - assign tags to machines to automatically assign firewalls, etc