Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README)
Tools for synching and streaming files from Windows to Linux
Custom memory allocators in C++ to improve the performance of dynamic memory allocation
Adaptive Runtime AUTOSAR Linux Simulator
Unitree robot sdk version 2.
Wake On LAN magic packets generator library for ESP8266 & ESP32 boards
agent-less and lightweight communication library compatible with rclcpp for embedded devices
Portable implementation of the RTPS/DDS protocol for embedded devices.
sysml / clickos
Forked from kohler/clickThe Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis
Arduino DIY telescope GoTo for arbitrary mounts.
A barebones ESPHomeLib Roomba Component
Arduino Uno powered OBD2 ECU Simulator 'Stand alone or qt5 GUI control'