The goal of this program is to parse a chess game described in PGN and provide functions which can perform the following actions:
- receive move # as input and return current board state
- load games into state and navigate through games
All games must be stored in ./data/
folder and be in PGN format. Sometimes PGN files have additional data so the following sections will be read:
- metadata
- any line in the beginning of the game with the following structure:
[KEY: "Value"]
- any line in the beginning of the game with the following structure:
- game data
- one line container the PGN moveset:
1. Nf3 Nf6...
- one line container the PGN moveset:
Each game will be comprised of and only these two sections. Any whitespace between games is not needed but helpful for humans.
- stack
Commands to get started
stack setup # will install appropriate GHC
stack run chess-statification # Will build and run app
The state of the chess-challenge program will be (loosely) defined as this:
state: {
games: game[],
selected: Number
numberOfGames: Number,
game: {
id: Number,
gameStates: gameState[],
players: playerInfo
result: < "1-0" | "0-1" | "1/2-1/2" | null >
gameState: {
id: Number,
pieces: piece[],
status: < check | checkmate | stalemate | normal >,
turn: < white | black >
piece: {
id: uid,
rank: <"p" | "h" | "b" | "r" | "k" | "q" >,
color: < "white" | "black" >
location: location,
location: {
row: < 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 >,
col: < 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 >,
captured: Boolean
A sample would look like this:
state: {
games: [
id: 0,
gameStates: [
id: 0,
pieces: [
id: 1,
rank: "p",
color: "white",
location: {
row: 1,
col: 0,
... all pieces...
check: false,
checkmate: false,
stalemate: false,
totalGameStates: 1,
black: "Collin",
white: "Lucy",
result: null
selected: 0,
numberOfGames: 1