As of 11/05/16, Felicity v1.0.0 is not released to NPM yet. The deployed version 0.0.4 is not stable or up to date with our master branch.
Thank you for checking us out, and please take a look again in the coming week to stay tuned for the official release of v1.0.0!
In the meantime, feel free to poke around and explore Felicity!
Felicity provides object constructors capable of validation along with example structures using the Joi schema description language and validator.
Lead Maintainer: Wes Tyler
fe·lic·i·ty noun intense happiness; the ability to find appropriate expression for one's thoughts or intentions.
Felicity provides object instances, or expressions, of the data intentions represented by Joi schema.
Felicity builds upon Joi by allowing validation to be contained cleanly and nicely in constructors while also allowing easy example generation for documentation, tests and more.
npm install felicity
Given a joi schema, create an object Constructor and instantiate skeleton objects:
const Joi = require('joi'),
Felicity = require('felicity');
const joiSchema = Joi.object().keys({
key1: Joi.string().required(),
key2: Joi.array().items(Joi.string().guid()).min(3).required(),
key3: Joi.object().keys({
innerKey: Joi.number()
const FelicityConstructor = Felicity.entityFor(joiSchema);
const felicityInstance = new FelicityConstructor();
key1: null,
key2: [],
key3: {
innerKey: 0
the instance can then be used to generate a randomized example of valid values:
let felicityExample = felicityInstance.example();
key1: 'qrypceectvg3ppc59rat43a',
key2: [
key3: {
innerKey: 12
if the instance is hydrated with data, it can self-validate against the schema it was built upon:
felicityInstance.key1 = 'A valid string';
const validInstance = felicityInstance.validate();
success: false,
errors : [
"message": "\"key2\" must contain at least 3 items",
"path": "key2",
"type": "array.min",
"context": {
"limit": 3,
"value": [],
"key": "key2"
// ...
Alternatively, Felicity can be used to pseudo-randomly generate valid examples directly from a Joi schema:
const stringSchema = Joi.string().regex(/[a-c]{3}-[d-f]{3}-[0-9]{4}/);
const sampleString = Felicity.example(stringSchema); // sampleString === 'caa-eff-5144'
const objectSchema = Joi.object().keys({
id : Joi.string().guid(),
username: Joi.string().min(6).alphanum(),
numbers : Joi.array().items(Joi.number().min(1))
const sampleObject = Felicity.example(objectSchema);
id: '0e740417-1708-4035-a495-6bccce560583',
username: '4dKp2lHj',
numbers: [ 1.0849635479971766 ]
See the API Reference.
We love community and contributions! Please check out our guidelines before making any PRs.
Getting yourself setup and bootstrapped is easy. Use the following commands after you clone down.
npm install && npm test
Some Joi schema options are not yet fully supported. Most unsupported features should not cause errors, but may be disregarded by Felicity or may result in behavior other than that documented in the Joi api.
A feature is considered Felicity-supported when it is explicitly covered in tests on both entityFor
(and associated instance methods) and example
- String
- Function
- Array
- Object