A WebRTC transport built for libp2p (not mandatory to use with libp2p) that doesn't require the set up a signalling server. Caveat, you can only establish Browser to Node.js and Node.js to Node.js connections.
> npm install @libp2p/webrtc-direct
NOTE: To run build scripts node-pre-gyp
is required. You can install it by running npm install -g node-pre-gyp
import { WebRTCDirect } from '@libp2p/webrtc-direct'
import { Multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
import { pipe } from 'it-pipe'
import all from 'it-all'
const ECHO_PROTOCOL = '/echo/1.0.0'
const addr = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
const webRTCDirect = new WebRTCDirect()
const listener = webRTCDirect.createListener({
handler: (connection) => {
console.log('new connection opened')
.then(({ stream }) => {
void pipe(stream, stream)
await listener.listen(addr)
const connection = await webRTCDirect.dial(addr, {
const { stream } = await connection.newStream([ECHO_PROTOCOL])
const values = await pipe(
(source) => all(source)
console.log(`Value: ${uint8ArrayToString(values[0])}`)
// Close connection after reading
await listener.close()
new connection opened
Value: hello
Note that it may take some time for the connection to be established.
The libp2p implementation in JavaScript is a work in progress. As such, there are a few things you can do right now to help out:
- Go through the modules and check out existing issues. This would be especially useful for modules in active development. Some knowledge of IPFS/libp2p may be required, as well as the infrastructure behind it - for instance, you may need to read up on p2p and more complex operations like muxing to be able to help technically.
- Perform code reviews.
- Add tests. There can never be enough tests.