Tool for manipulating and slicing audio waves. The general idea is to use it to chop up pieces of audio into chunks that can be used in a music production DAW. The selection can be by sample, time, or beats (based on user supplied BPM). Note that internally everything is referenced by sample index.
- Everything internal is 32 bit fp 44100Hz.
- Uses int for sample index. This gives us a theoretical maximum clip time of about 1.3 hours. In actuality it uses a setting from AudioLib to limit this (default is 10 minutes). This gives plenty of time for the purpose of this application.
- Standard file menu.
- Open an audio file. This is a now a
in a clip editor tab page. - Double click the tab to close the clip.
- If it's a stereo file the user is asked to open as left, right, mono, or both.
- Selection play, rewind, loop on/off, auto-start on/off.
Time mode:
- Select two times using ?? resolution.
- Shows number of samples and time in UI.
Sample mode:
- Select two samples using ?? resolution.
- Shows number of samples and time in UI.
Beat mode:
- Establish timing by select two samples and identify corresponding number of beats.
- Show in waveform.
- Subsequent selections are by beat using snap.
- G: Reset gain.
- H: Reset to initial full view.
- M: Go to marker.
- S: Go to selection.
- F: Snap fine.
- C: Snap coarse.
- N: Snap none.
- Wheel alone is time shift (x shift).
- Wheel + ctrl is time zoom (x zoom).
- Wheel + shift is gain (y zoom).
- Left dblclick alone sets marker.
- Left dblclick + ctrl sets selection start.
- Left dblclick + shift sets selection end/length.
- Right click opens context menu.
- Most of the Keys functions.
- Set gain to fill or reset.
- Copy selection to new clip.
- Close.
- Stereo file split into two wavs.
- Stereo file combine to mono wav.
- Resample file to 44100 32bit wav.
- Edit settings.
- About.
- Combine multiple clips, incl blank.
- Edit: cut/copy/paste/insert.
- Gain envelope.
- Stretch/fit etc.
- Detect tempo.
- Mouse/kbd/context commands user configurable.
- Snap settings user configurable.