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Demandbase JavaScript SDK

The Demandbase JavaScript SDK is a developer toolkit for the leveraging the Demandbase Platform's Real-Time Identification APIs. Key features include the ability to create reusable visitor segments, and easy access to a website visitor's company profile based on IP address or email domain.

##Starter Pack The JS file provided here is pre-configured with 5 commonly-used, broad-based visitor segments.

Start personalizing and targeting your site content by simply adding sdkStarterPack.js to your HTML, then add your Demandbase Content Module key.

The sample implementation provided here is just a starting point. This solution is completely configurable and can match your target segments.

Talk to your Demandbase Solutions Consultant for details on configuring the SDK.

##Table of Contents

##Overview The Demandbase JavaScript SDK doesn't have any standalone files that need to be downloaded or installed, instead you simply need to include a short piece of JavaScript in your HTML that will asynchronously load the JavaScript library. By asynchronously loading, the library and API calls do not block loading other elements of your page.

This JavaScript library provides an easy-to-use wrapper to the Demandbase IP and Domain APIs as well as a means to build reusable rules around a visitor's company profile. The rules created using this library, called "Segments" allow marketing teams and web developers to drive content personalization and targeting on their web site.

##Installation First place a script tag similar to this one immediately inside the body tag on each page of your website. The definitions for conditions and segments will be unique to your site, based on the requirements of your business.

**Important: ** The Demandbase Consulting team will configure this snippet for you based on your desired market segments/audiences.

<script type="text/javascript">
var __db = {};
__db.key = 'YOUR_KEY_HERE';
__db.conditions = [
     { name: 'IndustryIsSoftware', attribute: 'industry', operator: '=', value: 'Software & Technology', standalone: false }
    ,{ name: 'AudienceIsSMB', attribute: 'audience', operator: '=', value: 'SMB', standalone: false }
    ,{ name: 'AudienceIsEnterprise', attribute: 'audience', operator: '=', value: 'Enterprise' }
    ,{ name: 'CountryIsJapan', attribute: 'country', operator: '=', value: 'JP', standalone: false}
    ,{ name: 'RegCountryIsJapan', attribute: 'registry_country_code', operator: '=', value: 'JP', standalone: false }
    ,{ name: 'RevenueOver10M', attribute: 'revenue_range', operator: '!=', value: ['$1 - $1M', '$1M - $5M', '$5M - $10M'] }
__db.segments = [
    { name: 'SMB_Software', rules: ['IndustryIsSoftware', 'AudienceIsSMB'], operator: 'and' }
   ,{ name: 'SoftwareOrOver10M', rules: ['RevenueOver10M', 'IndustryIsSoftware'], operator: 'any' }
   ,{ name: 'GEO_JP', rules: ['CountryIsJapan', 'RegCountryIsJapan'], operator: 'or' }
__db.callback = function(company) {
      Content customization code goes here!
      Add any function calls or other code here to be run after the Demandbase Company Profile is available
      'company' argument is equivalent to Demandbase.Segments.CompanyProfile

(function() {
    var db = document.createElement('script'); db.type = 'text/javascript'; db.async = true;
    db.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(db, s);

See also the Segmentation Library Implementation Sample Gist. For a live sample implementation (which includes Optimizely and Adobe Target), see the Sandbox.

##Configuration The JavaScript SDK is initialized via the __db global object, which holds definitions for the various configuration options. ###__db.key (String) Required, this is your Demandbase authentication token.

###__db.conditions (Array) This is a list of objects which defines the Conditions available as Segments or for use in building Segments. Required when using visitor segmentation.

###__db.segments (Array) A list of objects defining the visitor Segments available. Required when using visitor segmentation.

###__db.callback (function) This optional function is run asynchronously once the visitor's company profile is available in the page. This function is automatically called each time the IP address or Domain APIs return data. Any code using the Demandbase Company Profile should be placed in this function.

###__db.getDomain (function) Optional, this function only needs to be defined if using the Domain API for company identification. This function is used to retrieve a visitor's email address from the page context, typically from a cookie, HTML element, or a JavaScript variable. The return value of this function should be a string of the email address or email domain. If this function is define, the SDK will attempt to retrieve a company profile using the Demandbase Domain API. If a profile is available for the visitor's email domain, then the Domain API company profile will override the IP address API data set for that visitor.

##How to Use Segments The Demandbase.Segments class evaluates all defined Conditions and Segments and makes them available as easy-to-use Boolean properties of the Demandbase.Segments class. This example shows using segments to set variable in a JavaScript condition:

if(Demandbase.Segments.EnterpriseSegment) {
    imgUrl = 'enterpriseURL.jpg';
} else if (Demandbase.Segments.SMBSegment) {
    imgUrl = 'smbURL.jpg';
} else {
    imgURL = 'defaultURL.jpg';

##How to User Demandbase Attribute Values The value of any attribute in a visitor's CompanyProfile are also available. This is can be used to place attribute values as dynamic copy in a page.

var visitor_industry = Demandbase.Segments.CompanyProfile.industry||‘your industry’;
var visitor_company = Demandbase.Segments.CompanyProfile.company_name||‘your company’;

##Basic Definitions ###Conditions A "Condition" is a comparison of a Demandbase attribute and a specific value or an list of values. Think of Conditions as the building blocks for Segments. A 'Condition' that does not have the standalone attribute set to false will also be a "Segment". Any number of Conditions can be used to define a Segment.

###Segments A "Segment" is a business rule, a Boolean combinations of Conditions (or the evaluation of a single Condition) surrounding a visitor's company profile.

##Configuring Conditions and Segments The Demandbase.Segments class houses an array of DBCondition objects and an array of DBSegment objects. These are initially defined using a configuration snippet before the library is loaded, using the __db.conditions __db.segments arrays as shown in the sample above.

###Defining Conditions Conditions are evaluations of Demandbase Company Profile attributes, which are represented as a JSON object. Note, at runtime, the JSON objects are converted into DBCondition objects.

A condition has a name, a single attribute (a Demandbase Company Profile field), an operator, and a value (or array of values).

Here is an example of a JSON representation of a condition:

  name : 'condition_name',
  attribute : 'demandbase_variable',
  operator : '=|equals|!=|not equals|contains',
  value : 'attribute value',
  standalone : true|false //optional

The value attribute can be a single value as a string, or an array of string values. If an array is defined, the evaluate function of the DBCondition will return an 'or' operation of the values in the list, because any given attribute from the API response will only have one value for a given visitor.

Supported Operator Supported Shorthand
equals =
not equals !=
contains contain

Note: These are programmatically accessible using DBCondition.prototype.supportedOperators.

Use the Demandbase.Segments.add function to dynamically create a new Condition:

Demandbase.Segments.add('condition', { name:'MyAudience', attribute: 'audience', operator: 'equals', value: ['SOHO', 'SMB', 'Residential'], standalone: true });

If the standalone attribute is true or omitted from the Condition definition, each Condition will also be added as a Segment. A Segment is Boolean property of the Demandbase.Segments class. These are the properties used to drive content.

Continuing the previous example, this Condition is now available as a Segment (a Boolean property) using Demandbase.Segments.MyAudience, which will return true or false, base on the site visitor's company profile.

Set the standalone attribute to false, if you do not want a Condition to also be added as it's own segment. You can still programmatically check the value of the Condition, but it will not be added as a property of the class.

###Defining Segments Once you've defined Conditions against particular attributes, then you can combine them to build Segments.

If each of your conditions is standalone, then you do not need to define Segments separately. For example, if you want to whether a visitor belongs to one of 5 industries, you can define a standalone Condition for each industry, or you can define a single Condition with an array of industries.

Segments are represented as JSON objects consisting of a name, an operator and an list of Conditions (rules). name is a user-defined value that is used when leveraging the Segment. rules is an array containing names of Conditions operator a Boolean operators (or, and), which is applied to the group of Conditions. These effectively provide 'any' or 'all' operations, so these are supported as well.

Here is an example of a JSON representation of a condition:

  name : 'segment_name',
  rules : ['ConditionName1', 'ConditionName2', 'ConditionNameN'],
  operator : 'any/or/all/and',

Supported operators are any (effectively or) and all (effectively and). This is programmatically available using DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators.

Supported Operator Equivalent Shorthand
any or, ||
all and, &&

####Build Complex Segments using Multiple Conditions For Segments that use a single Condition, there is no need to use the __db.segments array or the add function to create a Segment. The Segment will be created when the Condition is added, provided the standalone attribute was not set to false.

For Segments that use multiple Conditions, it is necessary to define them in the __segments array as shown in the implementation sample above.

The rules array in a Segment object is comprised of the name attributes from the defined Condition objects.

In addition to initializing using the __db.segments array, you can also use the Demandbase.Segments.add function to dynamically create a new Segment:

Demandbase.Segments.add('segment', { name: 'UserDefinedName', rules: ['condition_name', 'another_condition_name'], operator: 'any|or|and|all'});

##Demandbase.Segments Class In the implementation snippet above the initialization options in the __db object get assigned to various properties within the library.

####Demandbase.Segments.[segmentName] Returns true or false for a user-defined Segment as evaluated against the current Demandbase.Segments.CompanyProfile.

####Demandbase.Segments.CompanyProfile A JSON object, this is the visitor profile used to evaluate all segments.

####Demandbase.Segments.add(type, newObject) Used to create a new Condition or Segment. type parameter is either "condition" or "segment". newObject parameter is the JSON definition of either a Condition or a Segment.

####Demandbase.Segments.get(type, itemName) Retrieves a Condition or Segment object. If type parameter is not specified, segment is presumed by default as this is the most common use.

####Demandbase.Segments.getActiveSegments() Returns an array of all segments that apply to the current visitor profile.

####Demandbase.Segments.getInactiveSegments() Returns an array of all segments that are defined but do not apply to the current visitor profile.

####Demandbase.Segments._allConditions Within the Demandbase.Segments class the _allConditions array stores condition objects available for use in segments.

_allConditions: [
    { name: 'IndustryIsSoftware', attribute : 'industry', operator : '=', value : 'Software & Technology', standalone : false },
    { name: 'AudienceIsSMB', attribute : 'audience', operator : 'equals', value : 'SMB' },
    { name: 'AudienceIsEnterprise', attribute : 'audience', operator : 'equals', value : 'Enterprise' },

In this example, "AudienceIsSMB" and "AudienceIsEnterprise" will both also be available as Segments, however, "IndustryIsSoftware" will not, because the standalone flag is set to false.

####Demandbase.Segments._allSegments Similar to Conditions, the _allSegments array stores the currently-defined segments. These intermediate JSON representations are replaced by DBSegment objects at runtime.

_allSegments: [
    { name: 'DemandbaseSegment', rules: ['IndustryIsSoftware', 'AudienceIsSMB'], operator: 'any' },
    { name: 'EnterpriseSegment', rules: ['AudienceIsEnterprise', MyAudience'], operator: 'all' },

##Additional Helper Classes These classes drive communications with the Demandbase APIs, providing data and basic functionality to the Demandbase.Segments class.

###Demandbase.utils Class A set of helper functions used by the IP and Domain classes. ####Demandbase.utils.getQueryParam(param) Returns the value of the specified parameter from the current pages URL query string.

####Demandbase.utils.flattenData(data) Takes a JSON object and returns the same object with first-level nested objects flattened into the base object. For example,

var nest = {
  foo : 'a',
  bar : {
    b : 'c'
var flat = Demandbase.utils.flattenData(nest);

Now flat would be:

var nest = {
  foo : 'a',
  bar_b : 'c'

####Demandbase.utils.putLS(obj) Accepts an object and places each item in the object into localStorage.

####Demandbase.utils.getLS(name) Retrieves the value of name from localStorage.

####Demandbase.utils._log(msg) Used throughout the library, prints msg to the console, if Demandbase.utils.logging is set to true, or if db_logging=true is added to the query string.

###Demandbase.IP Query the Demandbase IP Address API each time a page loads. Use the CompanyProfile property of this class to access all Demandbase attributes for a visitor.

####Demandbase.IP.CompanyProfile A JSON object - the API response from the IP address API.

####Demandbase.IP.load Queries the IP address API using the key defined in __db.key.

###Demandbase.Domain Query the Demandbase Domain API, if a visitor's email is available within the page context or a cookie. Using this is optional, and requires defining a function (getDomain) that retrieves the visitor's email domain.

####Demandbase.Domain.CompanyProfile A JSON object - the API response from the Domain API.

####Demandbase.Domain.load Queries the Domain API using the key defined in __db.key.

##Testing To simulate a visit from a particular IP address, add db_ip as a query string parameter to the URL of a page using the library. For example to simulate General Electric visiting, use

###Debug Version A debug version of the library is available as well. Change the source URL to This will enable console logging, debugging alerts, and load an un-compiled version of the library.

#Additional Resources For values to use in conditions, a complete enumeration of Demandbase attribute values for audience, audience_segment, industry, and sub_industry are available here:

Details on using Demandbase's API and a list of attributes available in the Demandbase Company Profile is available here:

For further information, please contact your Demandbase Customer Success Manager, or email Demandbase Support