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CefSharp Nuget Package

  CefSharp is a .Net wrapping library for CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework)
  CEF is a C/C++ library that allows developers to embed the HTML content rendering strengths of Google's Chrome open source WebKit engine (Chromium).

Post Installation:
  - Add an app.manifest to your exe if you don't already have one, it's required for Windows 10 compatability, GPU detection, HighDPI support and tooltips. The project contains an example app.manifest file in the root of the WPF/WinForms/OffScreen examples. 
  - For `x86` or x64` set your projects PlatformTarget architecture to `x86` or `x64`.
  - `AnyCPU` target is supported though requires additional code/changes see #1714 for details.
  - Read the release notes for your version (Any known issues will be listed here)
  - Read the `Need to know/limitations` section of the General usage guide (
  - Check your output `\bin` directory to make sure the appropriate references have been copied.
  - Make sure a minimum of `Visual C++ 2019` is installed (`x86` or x64` depending on your build) or package the runtime dlls with your application, see the FAQ for details.
What's New:
  IMPORTANT NOTE - Visual C++ 2019 or greater is required
  IMPORTANT NOTE - .NET Framework 4.6.2 or greater is required.
  IMPORTANT NOTE - Chromium support for Windows 7/8/8.1 ends with version 109, starting with version 110 a minimum of Windows 10 is required.

Basic Troubleshooting:
  - Minimum of .Net 4.6.2
  - Minimum of `Visual C++ 2019 Redist` is installed (either `x86` or `x64` depending on your application).
  - Please ensure your binaries directory contains these required dependencies:
    * libcef.dll (Chromium Embedded Framework Core library)
    * icudtl.dat (Unicode Support data)
	* chrome_elf.dll(Crash reporting library)
	* snapshot_blob.bin, v8_context_snapshot.bin (V8 snapshot data)
	* locales\en-US.pak, chrome_100_percent.pak, chrome_200_percent.pak, resources.pak, d3dcompiler_47.dll, libEGL.dll, libGLESv2.dll
	  - Whilst these are technically listed as optional, the browser is unlikely to function without these files.
	  - See for details
    * CefSharp.Core.dll, CefSharp.dll, CefSharp.Core.Runtime.dll
      CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe, CefSharp.BrowserSubProcess.Core.dll
        - These are required CefSharp binaries that are the common core logic binaries of CefSharp.
    * One of the following UI presentation libraries:
        * CefSharp.WinForms.dll
        * CefSharp.Wpf.dll
        * CefSharp.OffScreen.dll
  - Additional CEF files are described at:
  - NOTE: CefSharp does not currently support CEF sandboxing.
  - By default `CEF` has it's own log file, `Debug.log` which is located in your executing folder. e.g. `bin`

For further help please read the following content:
  - Quick Start
  - General Usage Guide
  - Minimal Example Projects showing the browser in action (
  - CefSharp GitHub
  - CefSharp's Wiki on github (
  - FAQ:
  - Troubleshooting guide (
  - CefSharp vs Cef (
  - Got a question? Ask it on GitHub Discussions (
  - If you have a reproducible bug then please open an issue on `GitHub` making sure to complete the bug report template.

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Alex Maitland