Adaptable application driver for Avi Networks ( - fork of Avi Networks developed original driver.
This adaptable application uses Avi Network's API to discover and manage certificates linked to virtual services. This was forked from an earlier driver released by Avi Networks with multiple bug fixes mostly related to discovery.
Upload the adaptable log driver file 'Avi-Networks.ps1' to all Venafi servers. The default folder location would be 'C:\Program Files\Venafi\Scripts\AdaptableApp'.
Pass API credentials to the driver as a 'Username Credential' and linked either as the 'Device Credential' or 'Application Credential'.
Debug Avi Driver (Yes/No) - Allows you to log debug info for all applications under this policy folder.
Create a new device pointing to the Avi cluster FQDN or IP address. You can either run an onboard discovery to populate all existing applications or manually create each application individually. If creating applications manually, you must supply the names for the virtual service and tenant. Discovery will populate these fields automatically. At this level, setting 'Debug Avi Driver' and 'Enable Debug Logging' function identically and will trigger log creation for this application.
Please report issues through github. This driver is still being actively used and supported.
Functionally this should be 'complete' for discovery and management purposes.
Assistance is always welcome. I'm not really a programmer. I just play one on community forums.
Just me for the moment. Buyer Beware.