This only has to be done once.
Change directory to the go source. Then run the bootstrap command for each operating system and architecture.
$ cd `which go`/../../src
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 ./make.bash --no-clean
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 ./make.bash --no-clean
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 ./make.bash --no-clean
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 ./make.bash --no-clean
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 ./make.bash --no-clean
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 ./make.bash --no-clean
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 ./make.bash --no-clean
$ sudo GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 ./make.bash --no-clean
Edit the Version
constant in exercism/main.go
$ rm release/*
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 bin/build-all
Go to the exercism/cli "new release" page.
Describe the release, select a specific commit to target, name the version v{VERSION}
, where
VERSION matches the value of the Version
Upload all the binaries from release/*
This is helpful for the (many) Mac OS X users.
Calculate the SHA1
checksum for the two mac builds:
$ openssl sha1 release/exercism-mac-32bit.tgz
$ openssl sha1 release/exercism-mac-64bit.tgz
Fork and clone homebrew/homebrew-binary.
Add the upstream repository:
$ git remote add upstream
If you already had this cloned, ensure that you are entirely up-to-date with the upstream master:
$ git fetch upstream && git checkout master && git reset upstream/master && git push -f origin master
Check out a feature branch, where X.Y.Z is the actual version number.
$ git checkout -b exercism-vX.Y.Z
Update the homebrew-binary/exercism.rb formula.
- version
- urls
If you are on a mac, you can test the formula by running:
$ brew unlink exercism && brew install ./exercism.rb
Then submit a pull request to homebrew-binary. Note that they're very, very careful about their commit history. If you made multiple commits, squash them. They don't merge using the button on GitHub, they merge by making sure that the branch is rebased on to the most recent master, and then they do a fast-forward merge. That means that the PR will be red when it's closed, not purple.
If there are any significant changes, we should describe them on
The codebase lives at exercism/cli-www.