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Kibana Helm Chart

This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

This helm chart is a lightweight way to configure and run our official Kibana docker image


  • Helm >=2.8.0 and <3.0.0 (see parent README for more details)
  • Kubernetes >=1.9


Using Helm repository

  • Add the elastic helm charts repo
    helm repo add elastic
  • Install it
    helm install --name kibana elastic/kibana

Using master branch

  • Clone the git repo
    git clone
  • Install it
    helm install --name kibana ./helm-charts/kibana


This chart is tested with the latest supported versions. The currently tested versions are:

6.x 7.x
6.8.8 7.6.2

Examples of installing older major versions can be found in the examples directory.

While only the latest releases are tested, it is possible to easily install old or new releases by overriding the imageTag. To install version 7.6.2 of Kibana it would look like this:

helm install --name kibana elastic/kibana --set imageTag=7.6.2


Parameter Description Default
elasticsearchHosts The URLs used to connect to Elasticsearch. http://elasticsearch-master:9200
elasticsearchURL The URL used to connect to Elasticsearch. Deprecated, needs to be used for Kibana versions < 6.6
replicas Kubernetes replica count for the deployment (i.e. how many pods) 1
extraEnvs Extra environment variables which will be appended to the env: definition for the container name: NODE_OPTIONS
value: "--max-old-space-size=1800"
envFrom Templatable string of envFrom to be passed to the environment from variables which will be appended to the envFrom: definition for the container []
secretMounts Allows you easily mount a secret as a file inside the deployment. Useful for mounting certificates and other secrets. See values.yaml for an example []
image The Kibana docker image
imageTag The Kibana docker image tag 7.6.2
imagePullPolicy The Kubernetes imagePullPolicy value IfNotPresent
podAnnotations Configurable annotations applied to all Kibana pods {}
resources Allows you to set the resources for the statefulset requests.cpu: 1000m
requests.memory: 2Gi
limits.cpu: 1000m
limits.memory: 2Gi
protocol The protocol that will be used for the readinessProbe. Change this to https if you have server.ssl.enabled: true set http
serverHost The Kibana setting. This is set explicitly so that the default always matches what comes with the docker image.
healthCheckPath The path used for the readinessProbe to check that Kibana is ready. If you are setting server.basePath you will also need to update this to /${basePath}/app/kibana /app/kibana
kibanaConfig Allows you to add any config files in /usr/share/kibana/config/ such as kibana.yml. See values.yaml for an example of the formatting. {}
podSecurityContext Allows you to set the securityContext for the pod fsGroup: 1000
securityContext Allows you to set the securityContext for the container capabilities.drop:[ALL]
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000
serviceAccount Allows you to overwrite the "default" serviceAccount for the pod []
priorityClassName The name of the PriorityClass. No default is supplied as the PriorityClass must be created first. ""
httpPort The http port that Kubernetes will use for the healthchecks and the service. 5601
updateStrategy Allows you to change the default update strategy for the deployment. A standard upgrade of Kibana requires a full stop and start which is why the default strategy is set to Recreate Recreate
readinessProbe Configuration for the readinessProbe failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 3
timeoutSeconds: 5
imagePullSecrets Configuration for imagePullSecrets so that you can use a private registry for your image []
nodeSelector Configurable nodeSelector so that you can target specific nodes for your Kibana instances {}
tolerations Configurable tolerations []
ingress Configurable ingress to expose the Kibana service. See values.yaml for an example enabled: false
service Configurable service to expose the Kibana service. See values.yaml for an example type: ClusterIP
port: 5601
annotations: {}
loadBalancerSourceRanges: {}
labels Configurable label applied to all Kibana pods {}
lifecycle Allows you to add lifecycle configuration. See values.yaml for an example of the formatting. {}
fullnameOverride Overrides the full name of the resources. If not set the name will default to ".Release.Name-.Values.nameOverride or .Chart.Name" ""
extraContainers Templatable string of additional containers to be passed to the tpl function ""
extraInitContainers Templatable string of additional containers to be passed to the tpl function ""


In examples/ you will find some example configurations. These examples are used for the automated testing of this helm chart



  • Deploy a security enabled Elasticsearch cluster
  • Deploy Kibana with the security example
    cd examples/security
  • Setup a port forward and access Kibana at https://localhost:5601
    # Setup the port forward
    kubectl port-forward deployment/helm-kibana-security-kibana 5601
    # Run this in a seperate terminal
    # Get the auto generated password
    password=$(kubectl get secret elastic-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
    echo $password
    # Test Kibana is working with curl or access it with your browser at https://localhost:5601
    # The example certificate is self signed so you may see a warning about the certificate
    curl -I -k -u elastic:$password https://localhost:5601/app/kibana


How to install plugins?

The recommended way to install plugins into our docker images is to create a custom docker image.

The Dockerfile would look something like:

ARG kibana_version

RUN bin/kibana-plugin install <plugin_url>

And then updating the image in values to point to your custom image.

There are a couple reasons we recommend this.

  1. Tying the availability of Kibana to the download service to install plugins is not a great idea or something that we recommend. Especially in Kubernetes where it is normal and expected for a container to be moved to another host at random times.
  2. Mutating the state of a running docker image (by installing plugins) goes against best practices of containers and immutable infrastructure.


This chart uses pytest to test the templating logic. The dependencies for testing can be installed from the requirements.txt in the parent directory.

pip install -r ../requirements.txt
make test

You can also use helm template to look at the YAML being generated

make template

It is possible to run all of the tests and linting inside of a docker container

make test