- Dilate: One function dilateP that dilates vertices of a polytope by a given factor
- FundamentalParallelepipedEnumerator: Tools to enumerate all lattice points in the fundamental parallelepiped of a given polytope (only works with simplices for now)
- Ln1Permutations: Various functions to generate Ln1 permutations and their families
- SimplexPointEnumerator: Tools to enumerate all lattice points in a given simplex
- StackSort: The stack-sorting algorithm plus extra functions to quickly stack sort large families of permutations
- tValueCalculator: Calculate t-values for given permutations, the number of times it takes the stack sorting algorithm to reach the identity
- AscentsTables: Code for the tables in TablesTool, see below
- NumAscents: Calculate the number of ascents in given permutations
- StartsEndsWith: Functions to find the numbers permutations start and end with
- TablesTool: Generates the tables from our prior discussions, compares number of iterations of the algorithm to ascents, starting number, and ending number for large families of permutations (used to find patterns)
- FindIndices: One function findIndices, takes a list and an item, outputs a list containing all indices where the item is found in the list
- AllPermutationsLexicographic: Code to enumerate all permutations from 1 to n (given by user) in lexicographic order
- IdentityPermutation: One function identityp, takes a positive integer n and outputs the identity permutation 1,2,...,n