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312 lines (186 loc) · 13.2 KB

See release tags for new changelog updates


Added integration with Redux Devtools. Make use of registerInDevtools(Stores) to use it. Argument is an object of { [storeName: string]: Store } - which will register your stores instanced according to the name provided.


More fixes for run() when using respectCache: true. Prevents the cacheBreakHook from clearing the current async state, even if the action hasn't finished yet.


Some fixes for run() when using respectCache: true that makes a second run wait for the result to any currently running action.

A minor leak fix for read().

Much thanks to for the fixes!


Added in createAsyncActionDirect() - which allows you to simply directly wrap promises instead of using successResult() or errorResult() methods implicitly. Useful for scenarios that don't require such verbosity. It will directly return a successResult() - or otherwise, if an error is thrown, an errorResult().

Allow use() of an async action to be executed on the same arguments later on in the component, with the returned method execute().


Some TypeScript type updates - hopefully fixing some strict: true issues people were having.


Patch fix for run() and beckon() with an action making use of cache hook in the same component causing infinite loops.


Added AsyncActionName.use(args, options) - a new way to make use of your Async Actions. By default it acts just like useBeckon(), except it returns an object instead of an array.

This returned object now includes more helpful flags, and is shaped like so:

    isLoading: boolean;
    isFinished: boolean;
    isUpdating: boolean;
    isStarted: boolean;
    error: boolean;
    endTags: string[];
    message: string;
    payload: R;
    renderPayload: ((payload: R) => any) => any;

If you want use() to act like useWatch() (i.e. not initiating the action when the hook is first called), then pass in an options object as the second argument, containing initiate: false.

renderPayload is a very useful function. You can use this in your React component to conditionally render stuff only when your action payload has returned successfully. You can use it like so:

const userAction = LoadUserAction.use({ id: userId });

return (
    {userAction.renderPayload((user) => (
      <span>User Name: {}</span>

The inner <span> there will not render if our action hasn't resolved successfully.


Imported modules immer and fast-deep-equal using ES6 Modules which might help with tree-shaking and bundling in consumer projects.


Exported a bunch of TypeScript types (mostly Async stuff) for easier extending of library.


Bugfix for when passing dependencies to useStoreState as a third argument. Should never re-vert to the previously set state now.

Fixed Hot Reloading while using useStoreState by ensuring that registering of the listener is done within the useEffect() hook.


Bugfix for dormant setting which wasn't re-triggering cached results when switching between dormant and an old cached value.


Minor changes for lostpebble#25

Added the ability to run postActionHook after doing a cache update with AsyncAction.updateCache()


Updated immer to ^5.0.0 which has better support for Map and Set.

Updated fast-deep-equal to use ^3.0.0, which has support for Map and Set types, allowing you to use these without worry in your stores.


  • Added the ability to pass a third option to useStoreState() - this allows the our listener to be dynamically updated to listen to a different sub-state of our store. Similar to how the last argument in useEffect() and such work.

React Suspense!

  • You can now use Async Actions with React Suspense. Simply use them with the format: inside a component which is inside of <Suspend/>.


  • Added the passable option { dormant: true } to Async Function's useBeckon() or useWatch(), which will basically just make the action completely dormant - no execution or hitting of cache or anything, but will still respect the option { holdPrevious: true }, returning the last completed result for this action if it exists.


[TypeScript] Minor type updates for calling useStore() directly on one of your stores, so that the "sub-state" function gets the store's state interface correctly.


Minor quality of life update, able to now set successful cached payloads directly in the cache using

setCachedPayload(args, payload, options)

Much thanks again to @bitttttten for the pull request.


Slight change to how Store.update() runs when accepting an array of updaters. It now runs each update separately on the state, allowing for updates further down the line to act on previous updates (still triggers re-renders of your React components as if it were a single update).

Thanks to @bitttttten for a fix which allows passing no arguments when using createPullstateCore().


Allow optional passing of multiple update functions to Store.update() in the format of an array.

For example:

UIStore.update([setDarkMode, setTypography("Roboto)]);

This allows "batching" actions which are defined in smaller, modular functions together in one go. It makes the pattern of creating "updater" functions for your store a little more easier to work with, as you can combine multiples of them in one update now.


  • Exported TUpdateFunction so that we can more easily create update functions corresponding to pullstate.


  • Added convenience method useInstance or PullstateCore.useInstance (for better typing on your stores) - which gives direct access to your Pullstate instance which was passed in to PullstateProvider.


  • Added export for PullstateContext for more customized usage of Pullstate.


  • [async][bugfix] fixed problem with multiple beckoned actions infinite looping for same arguments
  • Allow for passing a non-object as an argument to an async action (string / boolean etc.)


Added the ability to hold onto previously resolved action results (if they were successful) until the new action resolves, when using a useWatch() or useBeckon():

  • Pass holdPrevious: true as an option to either useWatch() or useBeckon() to enable this.
  • When a new action is running on top of an old result, the returned value from your action hooks will now have started = true, finished = true, result = sameResult and a final value to check called updating = true:
    • [true, true, result, true] (for useWatch())
    • [true, result, true] for (useBeckon())


Added --strictNullChecks in TypeScript and fixed loads of types which had undefined / null options. Should let Pullstate play nicely with the other children now.


Allow selecting a subset of passed arguments too an async function to create the fingerprint. This is purely for performance reasons when you want to pass in large data sets.

Pass an extra option when creating the Async Action: subsetKey: (args) => subset - basically it takes the arguments given, and allows you to return subset of those arguments which pullstate will use internally to create cache fingerprints.


  • Added immer as direct dependency. Was peerDependency before - but this is not sufficient when requiring certain versions of immer for new functionality. Also peerDependency gives errors to users whose projects don't use immer outside of pullstate.


  • Added the ability to listen for change patches on an entire store, using Store.listenToPatches(patchListener).

  • Fixed a bug where applying patches to stores didn't trigger the new optimized updates.

  • Fixed bug with Reactions running twice


  • Fixed Reactions to work with path change optimizations (see 1.2.0). Previously only update() kept track of path changes - forgot to add path tracking to Reactions.


  • Expanded on getCached(), setCached() and updateCached() on Async Actions - and made sure they can optionally notify any listeners on their cached values to re-render on changes.
  • Added clearAllUnwatchedCache() on Async Actions for quick and easy garbage collection.
  • Added timeCached as a passed argument to the cacheBreakHook(), allowing for easier cache invalidation against the time the value was last cached.


New experimental optimized updates (uses immer patches internally). To use, your state selections need to be made using paths - and make use of the new methods and components useStoreStateOpt and <InjectStoreStateOpt> respectively.

Instead of passing a function, you now pass an array of path selections. The state returned will be an array of values per each state selection path. E.g:

const [isDarkMode] = useStoreStateOpt(UIStore, [["isDarkMode"]]);

The performance benefits stem from Pullstate not having to run equality checks on the results of your selected state and then re-render your component accordingly, but instead looks at the immer update patches directly for which paths changed in your state and re-renders the listeners on those paths.


Fixed issue with postActionHook not being called on the server for Async Actions.

Added the following methods on Async Actions:

  • setCached()
  • updateCached()

For a more finer-grained control of async action cache.

updateCached() functions exactly the same as update() on stores, except it only runs on a previously successfully returned cached value. If nothing is cached, nothing is run.


Replaced shallowEqual from fbjs with the tiny package fast-deep-equal for object comparisons in various parts of the lib.


Fixed the postActionHook to work correctly when hitting a cached value.


Added IPullstateInstanceConsumable as an export to help people who want to create code using the Pullstate stores' instance.


Some refactoring of the Async Actions and adding of hooks for much finer grained control:

shortCicuitHook(): Run checks to resolve the action with a response before it even sets out.

breakCacheHook(): When an action's state is being returned from the cache, this hook allows you to run checks on the current cache and your stores to decide whether this action should be run again (essentially flushing / breaking the cache).

postActionHook(): This hook allows you to run some things after the action has resolved, and most importantly allows code to run after each time we hit the cached result of this action as well. This is very useful for interface changes which need to change / update outside of the action code.

postActionHook() is run with a context variable which tells you in which context it was run, one of: CACHE, SHORT_CIRCUIT, DIRECT_RUN

These hooks should hopefully allow even more boilerplate code to be eliminated while working in asynchronous state scenarios.


  • Made the isResolved() function safe from causing infinite loops (Async Action resolves, but the state of the store still makes isResolved() return false which causes a re-trigger when re-rendering - most likely happens when not checking for error states in isResolved()) - instead posting an error message to the console informing about the loop which needs to be fixed.


⚠️ Replaced with async action hooks above in 0.8.0

Added the options of setting an isResolve() synchronous checking function on Async Actions. This allows for early escape hatching (we don't need to run this async action based on the current state) and cache busting (even though we ran this Async Action before and we have a cached result, the current state indicates we need to run it again).

You can set it like so:

const loadEntity = PullstateCore.createAsyncAction<{ id: string }>(
  async ({ id }, { EntityStore }) => {
    const resp = await endpoints.getEntity({ id });

    if (resp.positive) {
      EntityStore.update((s) => {
        s.viewingEntity = resp.payload;
      return successResult();

    return errorResult(resp.endTags, resp.endMessage);

  // This second argument is the isResolved() function

  ({ id }, { EntityStore }) => {
    const { viewingEntity } = EntityStore.getRawState();

    if (viewingEntity !== null && === id) {
      return successResult();

    return false;

It has the same form as the regular Async Action function, injecting the arguments and the stores - but needs to return a synchronous result of either false or the expected end result (as if this function would have run asynchronously).


  • Added "reactions" to store state. Usable like so:
  (s) => s.valueToListenForChanges,
  (draft, original, watched) => {
    // do something here when s.valueToListenForChanges changes
    // alter draft as usual - like regular update()
    // watched = the value returned from the first function (the selector for what to watch)