Google app engine back end API city location guessing game with Google Maps API and Foursquare API for content.
- Clone or download the repo:
- Install (if necessary):
- Navigate to directory, run .
- Open browser to http://localhost:8080 to view front end.
- Open browser to http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer to view API explorer.
- Allow unsafe scripts - for chrome, click shield icon in far right of address bar, load unsafe scripts.
- Populate the City datastore with entities by opening browser to http://localhost:8080/jobs/build_city_data
- Note: this is a one time requirement to populate the City datastore.
- Next, populate Monument datastore:
- Go to Local project dashboard, cron jobs at http://localhost:8000/cron
- Find the /crons/build_monument_data job and hit Run Now.
- This is a weekly recurring job designed to keep Monuments data from Foursquare up to date.
Please note that the front end was built as a proof of concept for the game, not as a final polished product.
- Note: additional details on endpoints below.
- Create a new user (email optional)
- Create a new game (unique user required)
- 'Regions' are a comma separated list of strings. Currently accepted options:
- North America, Europe, Asia
- 'Regions' are a comma separated list of strings. Currently accepted options:
- Upon creating a new game, the Get Question 'Game key' field should auto-populate with the new game's key.
- Click submit to have the client request a question from the server.
- The Submit Guess 'Question key' field should auto-populate.
- Enter your guess for a city (case insensitive, but spelling counts)
- List of possible cities located in models module in 'CITIES_LIST'
- Once a question is complete, you must 'Get Question' to retrieve the next question.
- Manual population of the above fields can be done via copy/paste from the Information section at the top of the left pane.
- Each question displays a (mostly unmarked) Google Map of a given location.
- The locations are based on a random, popular Monument obtained via Foursquare
- The user is initially provided a zoomed in map with no additional information.
- Incorrect answers submitted to the server generate a response with more detail, including:
- Zooming further out to see more of the map
- Top image for the monument from Foursquare
- The monument's name
- Score per question is based on # of attempts required to get the correct City answer.
- 10, 5, 2 for each of 3 tries. 0 points if incorrect after 3 attempts.
- Total score for a game is comprised of base score and bonus modifier.
- Base score is calculated by sum of each question's scores.
- Bonus modifier is a 1% bonus for each possible city in a game. Adding more regions to the game increases total city count.
- Total score = base score * bonus modifier
- Substantially modified and extended the Udacity Design a Game skeleton
- Base url for requests:
- Link to Google API Explorer
- Path: 'user'
- Method: 'POST'
- Request parameters:
- user_name -- string, required. Server will validate if the user_name is unique.
- email -- string, optional.
- Response properties in UserForm:
- user_name -- string. Returns name from new User entity.
- email -- string. Returns email from new User entity.
- Description:
- Generates new User entity.
- Required to create new games.
- Path: 'get_regions_list'
- Method: 'GET'
- Request parameters:
- None
- Response properties in RegionsForm
- regions -- string, repeated. List of available regions to choose from.
- Description:
- Retrieves list of available regions; necessary information for creation of new games.
- Path: 'game'
- Method: 'POST'
- Request parameters:
- user_name -- string, required. Must be a valid user_name with a User entity.
- regions -- string, repeated. Each must be a valid region. ('North America', 'Europe', 'Asia' are currently accepted.)
- cities_total -- integer, required. 0 < cities_total <= MAX_CITY_QUESTIONS (in game_logic module, set to 5 currently).
- Response properties in GameForm:
- urlsafe_game_key -- string. Game key in websafe format. Required to get questions for the game.
- cities_total -- integer. Returns cities_total from new Game entity.
- user_name -- string. Returns name from User entity from Game entity.
- cities_remaining -- integer. Returns cities_total from new Game entity. Represents # of questions the game has left.
- regions -- list of strings. Returns regions from Game entity.
- game_over -- boolean. Returns game_over status (default to FalsE) from Game entity. Can be changed when final question is answered, or game is canceled.
- Description:
- Creates new Game entity.
- Path: 'create_new_question'
- Method: 'POST'
- request parameters:
- urlsafe_game_key -- string, required. Game key in websafe format.
- Response properties in QuestionResponseForm:
- Note: Monument information is generated via Foursquare API.
- message -- string. Server generated message indicating successful creation of new question.
- New question values:
- urlsafe_city_key -- string. CityQuestion key in websafe format.
- min_zoom -- integer. # of questions remaining determines how far a user may zoom out.
- attempts_remaining -- integer. # of guess attempts left to answer the question.
- message -- string. server generated message.
- lat -- float. Location latitude
- lng -- float. Location longitude
- Description:
- Checks if game is valid and has questions remaining.
- Checks if game has active question, returns error if true.
- Creates and returns a new CityQuestion entity.
- Path: 'get_active_question'
- Method: 'GET'
- request parameters:
- urlsafe_game_key -- string, required. Game key in websafe format.
- Response properties in QuestionResponseForm:
- Full list of properties depends on question status. Attempts remaining on a question dictates how much information is passed.
- Note: Monument information is generated via Foursquare API.
- message -- string. Server generated message indicating successful retrieval of active question.
- Default (No guesses made, same as with new question):
- urlsafe_city_key -- string. CityQuestion key in websafe format.
- min_zoom -- integer. # of questions remaining determines how far a user may zoom out.
- attempts_remaining -- integer. # of guess attempts left to answer the question.
- message -- string. server generated message.
- lat -- float. Location latitude
- lng -- float. Location longitude
- 2 attempts remaining. Above items, plus:
- img_prefix -- string. Monument image url prefix.
- img_suffix -- string. Monument image url suffix.
- Note: these two items can be tied together by the client by adding image dimensions between img_prefix and img_suffix.f
- E.g., img_prefix + '200x200' + img_suffix generates a link to the 200x200 image of the monument.
- 1 attempt remaining. Above items, plus:
- name -- string. Monument name.
- 0 attempts remaining. Above items, plus:
- url -- string. link to Foursquare page.
- Description:
- Checks if game is valid and has questions remaining.
- Checks if game has active question, returns error if false.
- Returns active CityQuestion entity.
- Path: 'submit_question_guess'
- Method: 'PUT'
- Request parameters:
- urlsafe_question_key -- string. CityQuestion key in websafe format.
- guess -- string. User's guess on what city has been shown.
- Response properties in QuestionResponseForm:
- message -- string. Server generated message based on whether user guessed correctly, and question / game status.
- Includes all response properties of 'get_question', based on same criteria.
- Additionally:
- If question is over (guessed correct or out of attempts):
- question_score -- integer. points earned for this question, based on # of attempts remaining.
- cities_remaining -- integer. # of cities remaining from the parent Game entity.
- guessed_correct -- boolean. True/False whether player guessed correctly.
- city_name -- string. Correct answer city name of the question.
- If game is over (question over and game has no questions remaining):
- total_score -- integer. base score for game (sum of all question scores)
- bonus_modifier -- float. Score modifier based on # of cities possible in this Game entity (based on regions selected on game creation).
- bonus_score -- integer. Rounded down scoreore based of total_score * bonus_modifier.
- game_over -- boolean. (True.) Indicates game is over.
- Description:
- Checks if question is valid (not over, attempts remaining)
- Evaluates whether guess is correct.
- Determines if question is over (correct or no more attempts remaining)
- Evaluates score based on # of attempts remaining
- Determines if game is over (question over and no more questions remaining)
- Path: 'get_games_by_user'
- Method: 'GET'
- Request parameters:
- user_name -- string, required.
- game_over -- boolean, optional. (Test client defaults to 'False')
- Response properties in GameForms:
- message -- string. Server generated message.
- List of game forms:
- Each form includes the same properties as the new_game endpoint.
- Description:
- Finds all games based on user_name and game_over status.
- game_over:
- True - returns only inactive, game_over == True games.
- False - returns only active, game_over == False games.
- None - returns all games.
- Path: 'cancel_game'
- Method: 'PUT'
- Request parameters:
- urlsafe_game_key -- string, required. Game key in websafe format.
- Response properties in GameForm:
- message -- string. Server generated message, confirms game was canceled.
- Same properties as new_game endpoint.
- Function:
- Checks if game is still active, sets game_over to True if so.
- Does not delete game in datastore.
- Path: 'get_high_scores'
- Method: 'GET'
- Request parameters:
- max_results -- integer, optional. Total number of results requested.
- Response properties in ScoreForms:
- message -- string.
- List of score forms. Each contains:
- date -- datetime. Date score was last updated (should be end of game)
- total_score -- integer.
- bonus_modifier -- float.
- bonus_score -- integer.
- user_name -- string.
- regions -- List of strings. Game's selected regions.
- Description:
- Retrieves (up to max_results, or all) score records for each game in descending order, by bonus_score value.
- Path: 'get_user_rankings'
- Method: 'GET'
- Request parameters:
- max_results -- integer, optional. Total number of results requested.
- Response properties in UserRankForms:
- message -- string.
- List of user rank forms. Each contains:
- user_name -- string.
- guess_rate -- float. Avg number of guesses per question completed.
- questions_count -- integer. Total number of questions completed.
- Description:
- Retrieves users listed in order of the ranking metric.
- Ranking metric is avg # of guesses (float) required to complete each question.
- Perfect score would be 1, complete failure would be 3.
- game_logic module contains 'MINIMUM_QUESTIONS_RANKING' constant, which indicates minimum number of questions a user must have completed in order to be ranked. (Currently set to 5)
- If no users satisfy above criteria or do not exist, message will be updated to indicate that no users were ranked.
- Order is ascending.
- Path: 'get_game_history'
- Method: 'GET'
- Request parameters:
- urlsafe_game_key -- string, required. Game key in websafe format.
- Response properties in GameHistoryForm:
- List of question forms. Each contains:
- city_name -- string.
- monument_name -- string.
- if question is over:
- question_score -- integer.
- List of guess response forms. Each contains:
- user_guess -- string. User's guess.
- guessed_correct -- boolean. Whether guess was correct.
- List of question forms. Each contains:
- Description:
- Retrieve a game's questions, and each question's guess, response, and score history.
- /crons/build_monuments_data
- Calls Foursquare API to populate the Monument datastore with Foursquare data. Should throw errors to the log in case any occur. Scheduled to run once a week. Foursquare API requests that devs keep such data relatively up to date.
- /crons/email_reminder
- Hourly cron job.
- Checks for games whose last game move was 24-24.99 hours prior
- Sends emails to users with email addresses in the datastore (only once for all un-moved games w/in this time frame).
- TODO: rethink this functionality. Potentially have a better way to queue or flag games for email reminders.
- Alternatively, may scrap this entirely. App Engine's free email quota is extremely low (10 per day).
- /jobs/cache_user_rankings
- Task is run after every completed game.
- Caches user rankings to memcache.
- Calculates avg # of guesses for each user for each question. (game_logic module, get_user_rankings)
- Facebook and Google+ login and sharing.
- Redesigned and rebuilt front end client
- Potential modifications to game content (cities list, monuments, images)