Converts numbers to Ayeri number words. So far (February 4, 2015) only converts integer numbers, no fractions.
You'll need Python 3 for this. Note that this is a command-line program. python -h
gives you some advice on the input:
positional arguments:
n an integer number 0 <= n < 12^44
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --show-conversion show the conversion into base 12
Some output examples:
$ ./ 54292
samang sam menang itolan-iri nay yo
$ ./ 5106212
samang menang men henlan-miye menang samlan-tam veyalan-hen
$ ./ 636
menang yo irilan
$ ./ -s 20736
10000₁₂: samang men
$ ./ --show-conversion 3457
2001₁₂: menang samlan nay men
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