First Windows Form Application to Recognize MNIST Handwritten Digits using TensorflowSharp for C#. Using CNN Classifier.
Usage: (To Retrain model)
cd python/ python3
- Freeze Graph for usage:
freeze_graph --input_graph=tmp/model/tf_graph.pb \ --input_checkpoint=tmp/model/weights.ckpt --input_binary=True --output_node_names=output \ --output_graph=output.pb
Build and Run! The Compiled .exe can be found in bin/debug/TF Test.exe
Don't move the compiled binary as it depends on the ouput.pb file fixed for the current folder hierarchy
Download the mnist handwriting images(28x28) from Here, unzip it, and use it to run the model. else feed any 28x28 handwritten image, and it should work.