All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a changlelog's changelog standard
- Added search by git folder name in the search bar. #793
- New configuration option
allows you to assign the level of logging you want to see in the servers output console. - New configuration option
allows you to assign a custom external merge tool for conflict resolution #783 Doc - Whitespace ignore option for text diffs #777
- Fix for favorites linking in case rootPath is used @sebastianmay #609 and image diffing
- Limit commit title to 72 characters, the rest is truncated and shown when inspecting the commit
- Updated file watch logic to closely follow git commands in another process #283
- File diff firing increasing number of events longer it survives.
- Fix missing ungit logo. #812
- Fix when stash output is empty #818
- Missing npm as a normal dependency #766
- Handle SIGTERM and SIGINT #763
- Added bare repo support #177 #728
- Added support for cherry-pick conflict#701
- Added wordwrap support for diffs #721
- Support for Node6 #745
- Added "autoCheckoutOnBranchCreate" option #752
- Fix maxConcurrentGitOperations not limiting git processes #707
- Fix ".lock" file conflicts in parallelized git operations #515
- Allow Ungit to function under sub dir of a git dir #734
- Removed deprecated npmconf package #746
- More helpful warning messages #749
- Deleting already deleted remote tag #748
- Fix to handle revert merge commit #757
- Fix crashes due to submodule parsing #690 #689
- Fix duplicate remote tag issues #685
- Fix scrolling issue in safari #686
- Fix git hooks failing on non-ascii files #676
- Reverted on hover button effects #688
- Upgrade client code #679