Capacitor community plugin for Native and Electron SQLite Databases. For Native, databases could be encrypted with SQLCipher
Import From JSON
Export To JSON
Is JSON Valid
Create Sync Table
Set Sync Date
Json Object
JSON Template Examples
Full Mode One Step
Full Mode Two Steps
Partial Mode
Full Mode with Triggers and UUID
Full Mode with Views
Partial Mode with Views
Full Mode with Composite Foreign Key Constraints
Import with Affinity Names
All the methods below give you all the bits and pieces to manage in your application the synchronization of SQL databases between a remote server and the mobile device. It can also be used for upgrading the schema of databases by exporting the current database to json, make the schema modifications in the json object and importing it back with the mode "full".
🚨 Release 3.4.3-2 Web, iOS & Android only ->> 🚨
The main change is related to the delete table's rows when a synchronization table exists as well as a last_mofidied table's column, allowing for database synchronization of the local database with a remote server database.
All existing triggers to YOUR_TABLE_NAME_trigger_last_modified must be modified as follows
CREATE TRIGGER YOUR_TABLE_NAME_trigger_last_modified AFTER UPDATE ON YOUR_TABLE_NAME FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified <= OLD.last_modified BEGIN UPDATE YOUR_TABLE_NAME SET last_modified= (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE id=NEW.id; END;
an new column
must be added to each of your tables assql_deleted BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))
This column will be autommatically set to 1 when you will use a
sql statement in theexecute
methods. -
In the JSON object that you provide to
, all the deleted rows in your remote server database's tables must have thesql_deleted
column set to 1. This will indicate to the import process to physically delete the corresponding rows in your local database. All the others rows must have thesql_deleted
column set to 0. -
In the JSON object outputs by the
, all the deleted rows in your local database have got thesql_deleted
column set to 1 to help in your synchronization management process with the remote server database. A systemlast_exported_date
is automatically saved in the synchronization table at the start of the export process flow. -
On successfull completion of your synchronization management process with the remote server database, you must
- Set a new synchronization date (as
(new Date()).toISOString()
) with thesetSyncDate
method. - Execute the
method which physically deletes all table's rows having 1 as value for thesql_deleted
column prior to thelast_exported_date
in your local database.
- Set a new synchronization date (as
An example of using this new feature is given in solidjs-vite-sqlite-app. It has been used to test the validity of the implementation.
🚨 Release 3.4.3-2 <<- 🚨
This method allow to create a database from a JSON Object. The created database can be encrypted or not based on the value of the name encrypted" of the JSON Object.
Prior to ececute this method, the connection to the database must be closed.
The import mode can be selected either full or partial
To use the partial mode, it is mandatory to add a column last_modified to the schema of all tables in your database.
When a table schema is created if a last_modified column exists, a trigger YOURTABLENAME_trigger_last_modified is automatically added to make sure that the last_modified column is updated with the date
of the modification to allow the synchronization process when exporting back the data to the server.
🚨 Since release 3.4.2 ->> 🚨
The trigger before 3.4.2 was
CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS YOURTABLENAME_trigger_last_modified AFTER UPDATE ON YOURTABLENAME FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified <= OLD.last_modified BEGIN UPDATE YOURTABLENAME SET last_modified = (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE id=OLD.id; END;
and is now and onwards to avoid updating the last_modified when no other values have been updated.
CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS YOURTABLENAME_trigger_last_modified AFTER UPDATE ON YOURTABLENAME FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified < OLD.last_modified BEGIN UPDATE YOURTABLENAME SET last_modified = (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE id=OLD.id; END;
🚨 Since release 3.4.2 <<- 🚨
When no last_modified column added:
- full and partial modes are available for import,
- only full mode is available for export
When mode full is choosen, all the existing tables and views are dropped if the database exists and they already exists in that database.
When mode partial is choosen, you can perform the following actions on an existing database
- create new tables with indexes and data,
- create new indexes to existing tables,
- inserting new data to existing tables,
- updating existing data to existing tables.
- create new views
When mode partial, if you include views and/or schema of tables already existing, the views and/or tables will not be modified.
Internally the importFromJson
method is splitted into three SQL Transactions:
- transaction building the schema (Tables, Indexes)
- transaction creating the Table's Data (Insert, Update)
- transaction creating the Views
🚨 Since release 3.4.2-3 ->> 🚨
overwrite boolean parameter has been added to the Json Object (default false)
: delete physically the database whatever the version is.false
:- re-importing a database with the same
number will do nothing, keeping the existing database and will returnchanges = 0
- re-importing a database with a lower
number will throw an errorImportFromJson: Cannot import a version lower than
- re-importing a database with the same
During an import in
mode theForeign Key
constraint has been turn off before dropping the tables and turn back on after
🚨 Since release 3.4.2-3 <<- 🚨
This method allow to download a database to a Json object.
The export mode can be selected either full or partial
To use the partial mode, it is mandatory to add a field last_modified to the schema of all tables in your database. The export to Json will take all the schema, indexes or data which have been modified after the synchronization date.
this method allow to check if the Json Object is valid before processing an import or validating the resulting Json Object from an export.
Should be use once to create the table where the synchronization date is stored. To create a synchronization table, a column last_modified must be present in the database table's schema.
Allow for updating the synchronization date. Only available if the synchronization table has been created.
Allow for retreiving the synchronization date. Only available if the synchronization table has been created.
The JSON object is built up using the following types
It is mandatory that the first column in your database schema for all the tables is a primary key. This is requested to identify if the value given is an INSERT or an UPDATE SQL command to be executed.
export type jsonSQLite = {
database: string,
version: number,
overwrite: boolean, // since 3.4.2-3
encrypted: boolean,
mode: string,
tables: Array<jsonTable>,
views?: Array<jsonView>,
export type jsonTable = {
name: string,
schema?: Array<jsonColumn>,
indexes?: Array<jsonIndex>,
values?: Array<Array<any>>,
Modified in 2.9.7 to allow for CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY with combined columns
export type jsonColumn = {
column?: string,
foreignkey?: string,
constraint?: string,
value: string,
Modified in 2.9.2 to allow for INDEX UNIQUE and with combined columns
export type jsonIndex = {
name: string,
value: string,
mode?: string
Modified in 2.9.8 to allow import/export triggers
export type JsonTrigger = {
name: string,
timeevent: string,
condition?: string,
logic: string,
Added in 3.2.2-1 to allow for View creation
export type jsonView = {
name: string,
value: string
const dataToImport: jsonSQLite = {
database: 'db-from-json',
version: 1,
encrypted: false,
mode: 'full',
tables: [
name: 'users',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'email', value: 'TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'name', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'age', value: 'INTEGER' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_user_on_name', value: 'name' },
{ name: 'index_user_on_last_modified', value: 'last_modified DESC' },
name: 'index_user_on_email_name',
value: 'email ASC, name',
mode: 'UNIQUE',
values: [
[1, 'Whiteley.com', 'Whiteley', 30, 0, 1582536810],
[2, 'Jones.com', 'Jones', 44, 0, 1582812800],
[3, 'Simpson@example.com', 'Simpson', 69, 0, 1583570630],
[4, 'Brown@example.com', 'Brown', 15, 0, 1590383895],
name: 'messages',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'userid', value: 'INTEGER' },
{ column: 'title', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'body', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"},
foreignkey: 'userid',
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_messages_on_title', value: 'title' },
name: 'index_messages_on_last_modified',
value: 'last_modified DESC',
values: [
[1, 1, 'test post 1', 'content test post 1', 0, 1587310030],
[2, 2, 'test post 2', 'content test post 2', 0, 1590388125],
[3, 1, 'test post 3', 'content test post 3', 0, 1590383895],
name: 'images',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'name', value: 'TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'type', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'size', value: 'INTEGER' },
{ column: 'img', value: 'BLOB' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_images_on_last_modified', value: 'last_modified DESC' },
values: [
[1, 'meowth', 'png', 'NULL', Images[0], 0, 1590388825],
[2, 'feather', 'png', 'NULL', Images[1], 0, 1590389895],
Images are defined as base64 strings
const Images: Array<string> = [
- first the database schema
const dataToImport1: jsonSQLite = {
database: 'db-from-json',
version: 1,
encrypted: false,
mode: 'full',
tables: [
name: 'users',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'email', value: 'TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'name', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'age', value: 'INTEGER' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_user_on_name', value: 'name' },
{ name: 'index_user_on_last_modified', value: 'last_modified DESC' },
name: 'index_user_on_email_name',
value: 'email ASC, name',
mode: 'UNIQUE',
name: 'messages',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'userid', value: 'INTEGER' },
{ column: 'title', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'body', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"},
foreignkey: 'userid',
indexes: [
name: 'index_messages_on_last_modified',
value: 'last_modified DESC',
- followed by an import of the Table' Data
const dataToImport2: jsonSQLite = {
database: 'db-from-json',
version: 1,
encrypted: false,
mode: 'full',
tables: [
name: 'users',
values: [
[1, 'Whiteley.com', 'Whiteley', 30, 0, 1582536810],
[2, 'Jones.com', 'Jones', 44, 0, 1582812800],
[3, 'Simpson@example.com', 'Simpson', 69, 0, 1583570630],
[4, 'Brown@example.com', 'Brown', 15, 0, 1590383895],
name: 'messages',
values: [
[1, 1, 'test post 1', 'content test post 1', 0, 1587310030],
[2, 2, 'test post 2', 'content test post 2', 0, 1590388125],
[3, 1, 'test post 3', 'content test post 3', 0, 1590383895],
const partialImport1: any = {
database : "db-from-json",
version: 1,
encrypted : false,
mode : "partial",
tables :[
name: "users",
values: [
[1, 'Whiteley.com', 'Whiteley', 30, 1, 1601995520],
name: "messages",
indexes: [
{name: "index_messages_on_title", value: "title"}
values: [
[4,2,"test post 4","content test post 4",0,1601983742],
[5,6,"test post 5","content test post 5",0,1601992872]
[1,1,'test post 1', 'content test post 1',1,1601995520],
[3,1,'test post 3', 'content test post 3',1,1601995520],
name: 'fruits',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'name', value: 'TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'weight', value: 'REAL' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_fruits_on_name', value: 'name' },
{ name: "index_fruits_on_last_modified",value: "last_modified DESC"},
values: [
[1, 'orange', 200.3,0,1601995573],
[2, 'apple', 450.0,0,1601995573],
[2, 'banana', 120.5,0,1601995573],
name: 'company',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'INTEGER NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'name', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'age', value: 'INTEGER NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'address', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'salary', value: 'REAL'},
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"},
{ constraint: 'PK_id_name', value: 'PRIMARY KEY (id,name)'},
export const dataToImport59: any = {
database: 'db-from-json59',
version: 1,
encrypted: false,
mode: 'full',
tables: [
name: 'countries',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'name', value: 'TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'code', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'language', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'phone_code', value: 'TEXT' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_country_on_name', value: 'name', mode: 'UNIQUE' },
{ name: 'index_country_on_last_modified', value: 'last_modified DESC' },
values: [
['3', 'Afghanistan', 'AF', 'fa', '93', 0, 1608216034],
['6', 'Albania', 'AL', 'sq', '355', 0, 1608216034],
['56', 'Algeria', 'DZ', 'ar', '213', 0, 1608216034],
name: 'customers',
schema: [
{ column: 'id', value: 'TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'first_name', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'last_name', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'gender', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'email', value: 'TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'phone', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'national_id', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'date_of_birth', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'created_at', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'created_by', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'last_edited', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'organization', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'comment_id', value: 'TEXT' },
{ column: 'country_id', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"},
foreignkey: 'country_id',
value: 'REFERENCES countries(id) ON DELETE CASCADE',
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_customers_on_email', value: 'email', mode: 'UNIQUE' },
name: 'index_customers_on_last_modified',
value: 'last_modified DESC',
triggers: [
name: 'validate_email_before_insert_customers',
timeevent: 'BEFORE INSERT',
"BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN NEW.email NOT LIKE '%_@__%.__%' THEN RAISE (ABORT,'Invalid email address') END; END",
values: [
'2020-11-19 05:10:10',
'2020-11-19 05:10:10',
export const dataToImport167: any = {
database: "db-issue167",
version: 1,
encrypted: false,
mode: "full",
tables: [
name: "departments",
schema: [
{column: "id", value: "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" },
{column: "name", value: "TEXT NOT NULL" },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
indexes: [
{name: "index_departments_on_last_modified",value: "last_modified DESC"}
values: [
[3,"Quality Control",0,1608216034],
name: "employees",
schema: [
{column: "id", value: "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" },
{column: "first_name", value: "TEXT" },
{column: "last_name", value: "TEXT" },
{column: "salary", value: "NUMERIC" },
{column: "dept_id", value: "INTEGER" },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
indexes: [
{name: "index_departments_on_last_modified",value: "last_modified DESC"}
values: [
[3,'Vinay','Jariwala', 35100,3,0,1608216034],
[4,'Jagruti','Viras', 9500,2,0,1608216034],
[6,'sonal','Menpara', 13000,1,0,1608216034],
[7,'Yamini','Patel', 10000,2,0,1608216034],
[8,'Khyati','Shah', 50000,3,0,1608216034],
views: [
{name: "SalesTeam", value: "SELECT id,first_name,last_name from employees WHERE dept_id IN (SELECT id FROM departments where name='Sales')"},
{name: "AdminTeam", value: "SELECT id,first_name,last_name from employees WHERE dept_id IN (SELECT id FROM departments where name='Admin')"},
export const viewsToImport167: any = {
database: "db-issue167",
version: 1,
encrypted: false,
mode: "partial",
tables: [],
views: [
{name: "QualityControlTeam", value: "SELECT id,first_name,last_name from employees WHERE dept_id IN (SELECT id FROM departments where name='Quality Control')"},
{name: "MarketingTeam", value: "SELECT id,first_name,last_name from employees WHERE dept_id IN (SELECT id FROM departments where name='Marketing')"},
export const schemaToImport179 = {
database: 'db-issue179',
version: 1,
encrypted: false,
mode: 'full',
tables: [
name: 'album',
schema: [
{ column: 'albumartist', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'albumname', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'albumcover', value: 'BINARY' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"}
{ constraint: 'PK_albumartist_albumname', value: 'PRIMARY KEY (albumartist,albumname)'},
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_album_on_albumartist_albumname', value: 'albumartist,albumname' },
{ name: 'index_album_on_last_modified', value: 'last_modified DESC' },
name: 'song',
schema: [
{ column: 'songid', value: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'songartist', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'songalbum', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{ column: 'songname', value: 'TEXT NOT NULL' },
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"},
foreignkey: 'songartist,songalbum',
value: 'REFERENCES album(albumartist,albumname)',
indexes: [
{ name: 'index_song_on_songartist_songalbum', value: 'songartist,songalbum' },
name: 'index_song_on_last_modified',
value: 'last_modified DESC',
const dataToImportFull71: any = {
database : 'db-from-json71',
version : 1,
encrypted : false,
mode : 'full',
tables :[
name: 'company',
schema: [
{column:'id', value: 'INTEGER'},
{column:'name', value:'VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL'},
{column:'age', value:'INT NOT NULL'},
{column:'country', value:'CHARACTER(20)'},
{column:'salary', value:'DECIMAL(10,3)'},
{column:'manager', value:'BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (manager IN (0, 1))'},
{column:"sql_deleted", value:"BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))"},
{column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))"},
{constraint:'PK_name_country', value:'PRIMARY KEY (name,country)'}
values: [