- based on https://github.com/kesuki/whmcs-shadowsocks-plugin which is based on frankwei's project
- fixed QRcode support for ssr|已修复二维码支持
- added traffic chart support|添加用户流量图表
- fixed utf-8 error|修复中文备注乱码问题
Readd custom traffic module|重新添加自定义流量系统Rewrite traffic chart for mobile suppor|重写手机端流量图表支持Add multi-language support|添加多语言支持Add SS/SSR switch function|添加SS/SSR切换支持Add Ping Test switch function|添加PING测试选项切换支持Add Random Password Support|添加随机密码支持- Add additional bandwidth|添加额外流量包功能
- Add Admin Dashboard|添加管理员面板(30%Progess|进程30%)
- You must add a server and select it in Product->Module Settings|请添加服务器并在产品->模块设置中选择服务器
- Please RESET the product AFTER you update the plugin and CHECK every thing is right|请在更新插件后确认全部的产品和服务器配置正确
- Database is the same as before|数据库兼容旧版
- RouteList has changed,Please check|路线列表进行了更新,请检查然后更正
- Because of removed 'AccessHash',configoptions has some small changes so please RESET the Prooduct->ModuleSettings|因为移除了访问哈希,请重新配置产品->模块设置
- Please upload user_usage.sql if you need traffic chart function|如果你需要流量图表功能,请上传user_usage.sql
- Random Password means you can leave blank in Custom Strings|随机密码的意思是你可以在购买时不填写自定义密码(避免眼滑用户看不见自定义密码选项)
- For More support,You can open an issue or email me|需要更多支持,请开issue或者给我发邮件
More Info in|更多详情请访问 http://www.mak-blog.com/whmcs-shadowsocks-plugin.html
或者 http://www.loli.ren/index.php/2017/07/24/unlimitedsocks%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95/ 密码 Zzm317!
- BTW I think a developer's most important ability is to obey the Open-Source Rules
- Not the coding level he can achieve