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Hacking on snapd

Hacking on snapd is fun and straightforward. The code is extensively unit tested and we use the spread integration test framework for the integration/system level tests.


Supported Go versions

snapd is supported on Go 1.6 onwards.

Setting up a GOPATH

When working with the source of Go programs, you should define a path within your home directory (or other workspace) which will be your GOPATH. GOPATH is similar to Java's CLASSPATH or Python's ~/.local. GOPATH is documented online and inside the go tool itself

go help gopath

Various conventions exist for naming the location of your GOPATH, but it should exist, and be writable by you. For example

export GOPATH=${HOME}/work
mkdir $GOPATH

will define and create $HOME/work as your local GOPATH. The go tool itself will create three subdirectories inside your GOPATH when required; src, pkg and bin, which hold the source of Go programs, compiled packages and compiled binaries, respectively.

Setting GOPATH correctly is critical when developing Go programs. Set and export it as part of your login script.

Add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH, so you can run the go programs you install:


(note $GOPATH can actually point to multiple locations, like $PATH, so if your $GOPATH is more complex than a single entry you'll need to adjust the above).

Getting the snapd sources

The easiest way to get the source for snapd is to use the go get command.

go get -d -v

This command will checkout the source of snapd and inspect it for any unmet Go package dependencies, downloading those as well. go get will also build and install snapd and its dependencies. To also build and install snapd itself into $GOPATH/bin, omit the -d flag. More details on the go get flags are available using

go help get

At this point you will have the git local repository of the snapd source at $GOPATH/src/ The source for any dependent packages will also be available inside $GOPATH.

Dependencies handling

Go dependencies are handled via govendor. Get it via:

go get -u

After a fresh checkout, move to the snapd source directory:

cd $GOPATH/src/

And then, run:

govendor sync

You can use the script to run the two previous steps.

If a dependency need updating

govendor fetch

Other dependencies are handled via distribution packages and you should ensure that dependencies for your distribution are installed. For example, on Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt-get build-dep ./


To build, once the sources are available and GOPATH is set, you can just run

go build -o /tmp/snap

to get the snap binary in /tmp (or without -o to get it in the current working directory). Alternatively:

go install

to have it available in $GOPATH/bin

Similarly, to build the snapd REST API daemon, you can run

go build -o /tmp/snapd


Contributions are always welcome! Please make sure that you sign the Canonical contributor license agreement at

Snapd can be found on Github, so in order to fork the source and contribute, go to Check out Github's help pages to find out how to set up your local branch, commit changes and create pull requests.

We value good tests, so when you fix a bug or add a new feature we highly encourage you to create a test in $source_test.go. See also the section about Testing.


To run the various tests that we have to ensure a high quality source just run:


This will check if the source format is consistent, that it builds, all tests work as expected and that "go vet" has nothing to complain.

The source format follows the gofmt -s formating. Please run this on your sources files if run-checks complains about the format.

You can run individual test for a sub-package by changing into that directory and:

go test -check.f $testname

If a test hangs, you can enable verbose mode:

go test -v -check.vv

(or -check.v for less verbose output).

There is more to read about the testing framework on the website

Running the spread tests

To run the spread tests locally you need the latest version of spread from It can be installed via:

$ sudo apt install qemu-kvm autopkgtest
$ sudo snap install --devmode spread

Then setup the environment via:

$ mkdir -p .spread/qemu
$ cd .spread/qemu
# For xenial (same works for yakkety/zesty)
$ adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -r xenial
$ mv adt-xenial-amd64-cloud.img ubuntu-16.04.img
# For trusty
$ adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -r trusty --post-command='sudo apt-get install -y --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial && update-grub'
$ mv adt-trusty-amd64-cloud.img ubuntu-14.04-64.img

And you can run the tests via:

$ spread -v qemu:

For quick reuse you can use:

$ spread -reuse qemu:

It will print how to reuse the systems. Make sure to use export REUSE_PROJECT=1 in your environment too.

Testing snapd

To test the snapd REST API daemon on a snappy system you need to transfer it to the snappy system and then run:

sudo systemctl stop snapd.service snapd.socket

To debug interaction with the snap store, you can set SNAP_DEBUG_HTTP. It is a bitfield: dump requests: 1, dump responses: 2, dump bodies: 4.

(make hack: In case you get some security profiles errors when trying to install or refresh a snap, maybe you need to replace system installed snap-seccomp with the one aligned to the snapd that you are testing. To do this, simply backup /usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp and overwrite it with the testing one. Don't forget to rollback to the original when finish testing)

Quick intro to hacking on snap-confine

Hey, welcome to the nice, low-level world of snap-confine

Building the code locally

To get started from a pristine tree you want to do this:

cd cmd/
autoreconf -i -f
./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/snapd --enable-nvidia-ubuntu

This will drop makefiles and let you build stuff. You may find the make hack target, available in cmd/snap-confine handy, it installs the locally built version on your system and reloads the apparmor profile.

Submitting patches

Please run make fmt before sending your patches.