Repository for Python Programming course given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Canbula at Computer Engineering Department of Manisa Celal Bayar University.
This course is about basic concepts in Python Programming. Students will learn the data structures, functions, classes, and the special structures of Python. They will also learn how to create basic desktop applications with a GUI, web applications as APIs, basic games as projects. In this course, we will use GitHub actions for assignments. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that to have a GitHub account for students. Students must fork this repository and sync frequently, add their works to their own repository and create a pull request.
Lectures are on every Monday. You can find the codes that written in the laboratory in the folder WeekXX.
In the root folder there is a LectureNotes.pdf file, which is updated weekly after every lecture. At the end of the every chapter, you will also find a Problem Set.
You can find some coding homeworks in the WeekXX folders, which you should complete in your own forked repository and send a pull request to the original repository.
All announcements of this course will be done via Microsoft Teams. Join the group with the invite code: haufqo2
- Python Documentation
- Python Tutorial
- Python Style Guide
- Advanced Guide to Python 3 Programming (John Hunt)
- Python for Everybody (Charles Severance)