Minimalist Firefox themes based on popular colour schemes.
- Minimalist Gruvbox
- Minimalist Nord
- Minimalist Dracula
- Minimalist Tokyo Night
- Minimalist Catppuccin
- Minimalist One Dark
- Minimalist Everforest
- Minimalist Solarized
- Minimalist Rosé Pine
- Minimalist Kanagawa
- Minimalist Ayu
- Minimalist Black and Grey Tabs
Colours in use: Black: #282828, Grey: #aaaaaa, Green: #689d6a
Green active tabs and highlights. Based on gruvbox. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: Black: #2e3440, White: #d8dee9, Blue: #81a1c1
Blue active tabs and highlights. Based on Nord. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: Black: #282a36, White: #f8f8f2, Purple: #bd93f9, Green: #50fa7b
Purple active tabs and highlights. Based on Dracula. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: Black: #1a1b26, White: #a9b1d6, Blue: #9aa5ce, Yellow: #e0af68, Red: #f7768e, Green: #9ece6a
Pale blue active tabs with yellow highlights. Based on Tokyo Night. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: Black: #1e1e2e, White: #cdd6f4, Pale Pink: #f2cdcd, Teal: #94e2d5
Pale pink active tabs with teal highlights. Based on Catppuccin Mocha. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: Black: #282c34, Grey: #abb2bf, Red: #e06c75, Blue: #61afef, Yellow: #e5c07b
Red active tabs with blue highlights. Based on One Dark. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: Black: #272e33, White: #d3c6aa, Yellow: #dbbc7f, Green: #a7c080, Red: #e67e80
Yellow active tabs with green highlights. Based on Everforest. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: White: #fdf6e3, Black: #657b83, Cyan: #2aa198
Cyan active tabs and highlights. Based on Solarized Light. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: White: #faf4ed, Black: #575279, Rose: #d7827e
Rose active tabs and highlights. Based on Rosé Pine Dawn. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: White: #f2ecbc, Black: #545464, Green: #597b75
Green active tabs and highlights. Based on Kanagawa Lotus. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: White: #fcfcfc, Black: #5c6166, Orange: #f2ae49
Orange active tabs and highlights. Based on Ayu Light. Available on Firefox Add-ons.
Colours in use: Black: #000000, Grey: #808080
Grey active tabs and highlights. Available on Firefox Add-ons.