Create GIS features linked reports.
git clone
cd featurereports-backend
make meacoffee
Admin interface should be available at: http://localhost:8080/admin/
Note that you may need to add some headers (for example using Chrome extension ModHeader) to be able to play with data in the admin interface:
- sec-username: testadmin
To access the interface behind the georchestra proxy
- create a new line in your /etc/hosts :
- launch the compo : make meacoffee
- access the interface at
- login with:
- identifiant: testadmin
- password: testadmin
- if you have a certificate issue :
make cert
- edit access rules : -> Security -> Data (left panel, near bottom)
To display reports you need "read" access on corresponding layer. To create or edit reports you need "write" access on corresponding layer. To create or edit report models you need "admin" access on corresponding layer.
Before the first release we will overwrite the first migration:
make regenerate-first-migration
Generate a new alembic migration:
docker-compose run --rm --user `id -u` \
-v "${PWD}/app/drealcorsereports:/app/drealcorsereports" \
app \
alembic -c /app/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m 'Description'
Now you can try it:
make initdb
Once the composition has started a production build is available at http://localhost:8080/admin/
A development instance can be started at http://localhost:3000 by adding front-server service from docker-compose.override.sample.yaml.
There are make targets for formatting and tests. Other npm tasks (like installing new dependencies) can be executed within the container that is mapped to the host:
docker-compose exec front-server bash
Run formatting:
make front-format
Run tests:
make front-test
Sources can be found in app/drealcorsereports/static/admin
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App
The React CLI allows to indicate the apps origin and a dev proxy to the API via the package.json
"homepage": ".",
"proxy": "http://app:8080",
Layers on which one user can create report models are layers on which he's admin according to rules in
The following headers can be handy to access restricted parts of the API in dev via a browser plugin:
"sec-username": "testadmin"
"sec-roles": "ROLE_REPORTS_ADMIN"
The MapStore extension is developed on the fork: It is developped using our MapStore2 fork as submodule, so to deploy it properly you need to have our custom camptocamp/mapstore2-georchestra image (who also references that fork) in your docker compo. (image is built from
There is a debug mode available with: http://localhost:8081/?debug=true.
Redux dev tools are useful for dev as MapStore follows redux.
Note the current issues:
- npm install needs to be run twice => geosolutions-it/MapStoreExtension#4
MapStoreExtension developement has not yet been integrated into the project, since the best practices for this are still unclear. To deploy the extension developed in the MapStoreExtension repo into the project the following steps are necessary:
- run npm run ext:build in MapStoreExtension repo
- copy MapStoreExtension/dist/ into georchestra_datadir/mapstore/dist/extensions/
- extract and remove zip (replace ReportExtension if exists)
--- or, in create a new context in which you import the extension. Even if the context is later deleted, the extension will stay.
Note: MapStore finds the extension bundle via the config in georchestra_datadir/mapstore/extensions.json and loads it by default if indicated in georchestra_datadir/mapstore/localConfig.json.