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TS Regex Builder

A user-friendly regular expression builder for TypeScript and JavaScript.


Regular expressions are a powerful tool for matching simple and complex text patterns, yet they are notorious for their hard-to-parse syntax.

This library allows users to create regular expressions in a structured way, making them ease to understand.

// Before
const hexColor = /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/;

// After
const hexDigit = charClass(
  charRange('a', 'f'), //
  charRange('A', 'F'),
  charRange('0', '9'),

const hexColor = buildRegex(
      repeat(hexDigit, { count: 6 }), // #rrggbb
      repeat(hexDigit, { count: 3 }), // #rgb


npm install ts-regex-builder


yarn add ts-regex-builder

Basic usage

import { buildRegex, capture, oneOrMore } from 'ts-regex-builder';

// /Hello (\w+)/
const regex = buildRegex(['Hello ', capture(oneOrMore(word))]);

Regex domain-specific language

TS Regex Builder allows you to build complex regular expressions using domain-specific language of regex components.


  • regex component (e.g., capture(), oneOrMore(), word) - function or object representing a regex construct
  • regex element (RegexElement) - object returned by regex components
  • regex sequence (RegexSequence) - single regex element or string (RegexElement | string) or array of such elements and strings (Array<RegexElement | string>)

Most of the regex components accept a regex sequence. Examples of sequences:

  • single string: 'Hello World' (note: all characters will be automatically escaped in the resulting regex)
  • single element: capture('abc')
  • array of elements and strings: ['$', oneOrMore(digit)]

Regex components can be composed into a complex tree:

const currencyAmount = buildRegex([
    repeat({ count: 3 }, charRange('A', 'Z')), // ISO currency code
    oneOrMore(digit), // Integer part
    optionally(['.', repeat({ count: 2 }, digit)]), // Fractional part

Regex Builders

Regex Component Regex Pattern Description
buildRegex(...) /.../ Create RegExp instance
buildRegex(..., { ignoreCase: true }) /.../i Create RegExp instance with flags


Regex Component Regex Pattern Notes
capture(...) (...) Create a capture group
choiceOf(x, y, z) x|y|z Match one of provided sequences


  • capture accepts a sequence of elements
  • choiceOf() accepts a variable number of sequences


Regex Component Regex Pattern Description
zeroOrMore(x) x* Zero or more occurence of a pattern
oneOrMore(x) x+ One or more occurence of a pattern
optionally(x) x? Zero or one occurence of a pattern
repeat(x, { count: n }) x{n} Pattern repeats exact number of times
repeat(x, { min: n, }) x{n,} Pattern repeats at least given number of times
repeat(x, { min: n, max: n2 }) x{n1,n2} Pattern repeats between n1 and n2 number of times

All quantifiers accept sequence of elements

Character classes

Regex Component Regex Pattern Description
any . Any character
word \w Word characters
digit \d Digit characters
whitespace \s Whitespace characters
anyOf('abc') [abc] Any of supplied characters
charRange('a', 'z') [a-z] Range of characters
charClass(...) [...] Concatenation of multiple character classes
inverted(...) [^...] Negation of a given character class


  • any, word, digit, whitespace are objects, no need to call them
  • anyOf accepts a single string of characters to match
  • charRange accepts exactly two single character strings representing range start and end (inclusive)
  • charClass accepts a variable number of character classes to join into a single class
  • inverted accepts a single character class to be inverted


Regex Component Regex Pattern Description
startOfString ^ Match start of the string (or start of a line in multiline mode)
endOfString $ Match end of the string (or end of a line in multiline mode)


  • startOfString, endOfString are objects, no need to call them.


See Examples document.


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