This package can be used to deploy an IoT device simulator on your local machine. Can be used in conjunction with SDS.
First of all install nodejs from the following location: Node.js
Download the stable version (recommended for most users). Follow the Wizard.
To test if everything is working, open a command prompt and type (if you already had a prompt open, close it first):
$ node --version
If you get an error, uninstall and install again.
Download Git from following location: Git
Follow the wizard (When asked if you want to add to your path, click yes).
To test if everything is working, open a command prompt and type (if you already had a prompt open, close it first):
$ git --version
If you get an error, uninstall and install again.
Navigate to a folder on your local machine where you want to store the application.
Open a command prompt and navigate to that specific folder (to get the path, just copy paste it from the finder window):
$ cd <path/to/folder> // omit the <>
Clone the project into the folder iot-device-simulator and move into the folder on the command Prompt:
$ git clone iot-device-simulator && cd iot-device-simulator
Install all the necessary libs via the following command:
$ npm install
Start the local server with the following command:
$ npm run dev
Navigate to the following url on the localhost: localhost
If you an access-Control-Allow-Origin error install following chrome extension: Allow-Control-Allow-Origin and enable it, make sure the icon is green and then try again. If using other sites, makes sure to turn it off again.
- Add support for more than SAP SDS
- add ES6 to build flow
- Clean up code
- Form Validation
- Document Walkthrough
- If no pictures are selected, give default
- remove IoT subdomain (was just an experiment)
- ...